How to Yoga - Eight-Angle Pose

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Good day, Steemians!

Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. -- Bruce Lee

You know those times when life
tells you it's time to level up?
The Universe is calling me now;
so many epic opportunities are unfolding
(including teaching yoga at Steemfest
and the launch of Eden 2.0)
that I can scarcely believe this is real life.
My inner critic is up to its old tricks again,
feeding me that same old bullshit about
why I can't, how I'm no good,
and stabbing wildly at self-sabotage.
The struggle is real, my friends,
but this is Jedi master training.
I've seen too many miracles to buy into doubt,
so I'm challenging that dysfunctional voice.
Every moment is a chance to remember
that I choose life,
I choose life,
I choose life,
so dammit I'mma LIVE!
Lie all you want, inner critic--the revolution is happening,
and I've got a world to save.
Super power activation in 3...2...1...

This is Eight-Angle Pose

AKA Daaaayyuuum!
AKA Ashtavakrasana in Sanskrit
(ashta = eight, vakra = bent, asana = pose/posture)

This is the pose for invincibility. 

This pose is named after a crippled little sage
named Ashtavakra who sought a king for enlightenment
but became the king's teacher instead.

Eight-angle pose is a hip opener, a twist, and an arm balance in one.
It looks like a challenge,
but the trick lies in distributing your weight
so the body floats almost effortlessly.
Once you find that sweet spot of balance for the first time,
there's no going back to unknowing. 

This is an "advanced" posture
that calls for nice loose hips
and a bit of strength in the upper body.
Don't let "advanced" intimidate you;
it's all play, and you can do whatever you want.
You really don't know what you can do until you try,
and you just might impress yourself.

The body is no limit for what the soul can do.


  • From seated, draw the left leg over the shoulder...yes, I said it. If that's too intense, draw the leg to the chest, place the sole of the left foot in the crook of the right elbow, and cradle the shin. Breathe here as long as you need.
  • You'll need to get the left thigh over the upper left arm. If you need to spend more time opening the hip, then you need to spend more time opening the hip. You are where you are, and there's no rushing it.
  • Bring the left thigh over the upper left arm, and plant the hands shoulder width apart outside of the hips. 
  • Press the leg into the arm. This is key for anchoring the pose!
  • Bring the right ankle to the left ankle, and press them together. This is another foundational aspect!
  • Lower the upper body to the floor. I have heard this described as "a gentle face plant".
  • Weight of the body comes forward into the hands.
  • Draw the elbows in towards the body, inhale, and lift the shoulders.
  • Press the ankles together and press the left leg into the arm to extend the leg and lift the hips. Draw the shoulders back to counterbalance the left leg pressing down. 
  • Squeezing the inner thighs activates flotation.
  • Fingertips, fingertips, fingertips! The weight is balancing in the fingertips, and you're just a little feather in the breeze. 

Breathe in strength, breathe out fear.

💛 Sara!
Thank you @everlove for the photography!
We can make custom Steemit gear fit for a queen!


Did you get your ticket for STEEMFEST yet? Reserve your spot in Yoga!

Thank you @quinneaker & @roelandp for making my dream to teach at STEEMFEST a reality! Dear Steemians, please help @everlove realize her STEEMFEST dreams too!!


So graceful and beautiful. Thanks you Sarah.

Leveling up in Master Training! Hell yeah! What else is there to do?

Getting better and better and better and better!

That's badassery right there!

I agree, so may opportunities are all around us. I am open to receive!

Let the blessings rain down!

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