this is a seven-minute workout that youfollowed this for seven days to losebetween one to two inches from yourwaist and as a qualified weight lossexpert and fitness trainer with over 25years experience I know what works soI've put together this program youfollow it exactly for seven days andI've had such an incredible response onFacebook social media that I decided tocreate it as a video for you in realtime now if you haven't done a warm-uphit the pause button now March on thespot for one minute if not we will getstraight into this seven minute workoutso the first move we've got coming upyou've got ten seconds before it startsjust so you can see the move we are justdoing the straight leg kicks and takingthe opposite hand towards the footyou're going to be doing this for aduration of 60 seconds so the key thingwith this is keep your back nice andstraight and this exercise routine thatI've designed for you is going to bedoing two things we're going to look atdoing calorie burning so we are going tobe reducing any excess of body fat whichmeans we're going to be helping toreduce any belly fat then also all theseexercises that I've specifically createdfor you are going to be toning andstrengthening and sculpting through yourwaist and your tummy muscles alrightthat's good so you're doing another 30seconds so the aim is you are going todo this workout seven days in a row sofor the first day today you can have myvoice on so you can hear the narrationand the coaching then when you do daytwo day three day four etc you can muteme and have on your favorite music butplease promise me you do this for sevendays because I know you are going tolove the results and let's go last fiveseconds four three two and one alrightso move number two you've got aten-second preview before we start I'mgonna hold the arms up in front andyou're just going to take one foot fromone side to the other it's called apendulum swing if you don't like doingimpact and jumping you can just stepthat from one side to the other so thisone here we are gain we are helping toincrease your calorie burn we're toningthrough your waist we're working throughthose abdominals it's good and we'rejust doing it non-stop again we arethat duration of 60 seconds but you'realready 20 seconds down you just got 40seconds to go and keep thinking aboutthe benefits remember in life if you putin 100% you get in results of 100% backso that's where I really want you tofocus this week I'm doing this for sevendays non-stop and also aim to do itfirst thing in the morning that way youhave then preset your metabolism yourcalorie burn for the rest of the day allright that's good and we've just gotlost 10 seconds coming up now of thismove so let's just keep goingit's feeling challenging but just thinkyou're increasing your heart health yourfitness your well-being so we are doingmore than dropping the inches all rightwe've got three let's go two and one somove number three that we're going to bedoing this one we're going to reach uptall and walk out if you find it toohard to come all the way down onto theground what I suggest you do this movestanding close to a sofa and you canthen just walk your hands out onto thesofa and then come back up if you findit too hard to come all the way downonto the ground so we're walking out sothis one again we are still increasingyour calorie burn and we're performingan exercise which is also then going tohelp to really strength and developthose tummy muscles that's good reach upand then walking that out that's goodkeeping that going reaching up so youare nearly halfway through on this onethat's good and reaching that back upand remember the more you exercise andif you do this for the duration of sevendays everyday you do it you'reincreasing in your health but you arealso increasing your active a muscletissue which means you are going toreset your metabolism it is going tonaturally speed up your metabolic rateso you will find that you are burningmore calories every day as a result ofdoing these workouts and we have now gotlast five seconds I'll count you downfor let's go three two and one alrightso for our next move move four we'regoing to do a skater's lunch so we arejust taking it from one side to theother now with this one it's a reallygood calorie burning and if you reallyexaggerate bringing that arm over dothat for 60 seconds that's going to helpshape and sculpt into thethat's good and so we're well over halfways well over halfway through today'sworkout so let's just keep going keepfocused and remember right now you areinvesting in you and your health and Iknow as a trainer with over 25 yearsexperience I know how to transform ourbodies and our minds these are resultsfrom my workouts of every single ageevery background people that have nevereven worked out before or I've workedout you've done diets and their weighthas yo-yoed backwards and forwards mineis about keeping the results it's abouta lifestyle it's about seeing your bodychange that's good and let's just keepgoingyou've got last 10 seconds coming up nowand let's just keep going you can do itand I'll count you down from the lastfive nearly done so this is really anice aerobic exercise and sculptingthree let's go two and one alright so weare already now on move number five nowthis one you're going to be in a splitstance and it's as if you're about tosprint and we're going to do 30 secondson one leg then we will change to theother leg okay so let's drive that upthat's good so with this one here thebenefit here you are working throughyour upper body you're working throughyour middle body we're toning throughyour abdominals we're working on yourcore stabilitywe're also timing through the legs let'sjust keep that going that's good and youwant to keep pushing yourself when itfeels challenging that's when we reallyget the results that's good we've got 10more seconds left on this leg then we'regoing to change to the other side let'sgo for take it three two and one let'snow change take that to the opposite legso you're driving that leg up as ifyou're about to run keep going that'sgood then we just got two moves afterthis so we're nearly done today keepthinking of those benefits a look atthese real results this is as a resultof simply working out and eating ahealthy diet alright that's good let'sgo last ten seconds and then we've gotfrom now let's drive it up go five takeit four three two and one alright somove number six stand with your feetwider than shoulderit's distance part we're going to reachthe hands up and then down to the sideso this one here again we are justincreasing with calorie burn but alsowhat we're doing now we're shaping intothe waist this is where we're going tolose those inches take it from one sideto the other make sure you don't meanforwards neither lean backwards you'reliterally just going down to one sideand really take that arm out as far downtry and get it but on to the line of theknee reach it across that's good comingdown so these side bones are really goodfor working your internal and externalobliques which means these crisscrossmuscles across your waist have to drawin those tummy muscles that's good andreaching it over so we are less thanhalfway through on this one it's goodand you've just got now twenty secondsto go let's keep that going each timetry and come down a little bit furtherand then we've got the last move now thelast move we're going to come down ontothe ground to perform the abdominalcrunch if you don't like doing exerciseson the floor for your tummy you canstand up and just do neela for 60seconds alternating knee lifts all rightso let's now come down onto the groundthis is a move seven fingertips to theside the head we're going to criss crossso you take the elbow over towards theopposite knee we're doing this for aduration of a sixty Seconds the reasonwhy I've chosen you this abdominalexercise to do is this one engages allthree major muscles so we are workingthrough what's known as the transverseabdominus with your deepest abdominalmuscle it's also working through yourinternal and external obliques that'swhat shapes the waist and then it'sworking on the top muscle the rectusabdomen one that is attached fromunderneath your ribs all the way down tothe pubic bone alright you are doingreally wellyou have just got now last 30 secondsfor me so keep going that's good it'sall about pushing yourself to the maxremember we are just doing seven minutesand you are just doing seven days for meand non-stop we are going to get amazingresults and because we're just doingseven minutes we're not going to worryabout a rest day we're just going to gofor it seven days to see one to twoinches off your waist andlet's just go for it you got lost fiveseconds from now four take it three twoand one and that is your seven-minuteworkout complete now I'm going toquickly run through a cool-down stretchand also some tips for you if you reallywant to see results if you need to hitthe pause button to grab some water ifnot we will get straight into doing asummer stretching so the first thingthat we want to do is it's a good ideato actually take your measurements todayand if you can with a tape measuremeasure around the narrowest a part ofyour waist it's also a really good ideato measure at the widest part of yourhips because you might find that itcomes off more from the hips or it mightcome off more from the abdominals but ifyou make a note of these twomeasurements and in just seven days ifyou stick to it but what you need to beis be strict and make sure you don'tmiss out on a workout the other thing isbe super good with a nutrition and Ipromise you if you do that you will seeresults okay that's good and the greatthing is by doing this challenge it'salso going to really help to re-energizeyou it's going to get you on thatpositive Road that healthy and lifestyleand the nutrition it simply doesn't haveto be about eating just a lettuce leafyou can enjoy food there are so manylovely recipes and don't forget I've gotmy healthy eating book which has gotlots and lots of quick easy healthyrecipes that are easy to make it's goodmake sure the supporting legs slightlybent upon that one and let's not justtake the arms behind just feel stretchthrough that upper back and rememberwith Fitness fitness rewards you in somany ways there will be so many benefitsyou were going to get from today'sworkout you now will have so much moreenergy you will feel in control it helpsimprove your confidence your health yourwell-being your mental state absolutelyeverything and just let's reach the armsup so we have also worked through thearms the legs absolutely everywhere sowell done if you liked today's videoplease give it a thumbs up if you're notalready hit that subscribe button if youlike it pleaseshare it on Facebook and as a qualifiedonline trainer with over 25 yearsexperience I know what works and how toget new results so seven days come backand let me know how many inches you lost
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