The mental effects of researching VACCINES for 3 days! 💉 THE HORROR!!!!
I have researched this subject before but with the intention of being completely up to date in my upcoming detailed article I have been working hard over the last 3 days to dig up as many current facts as I can for you.
And frankly I have been shocked!
It is worse now than ever and in a way I am pleased I chose this as the first in my series. But in truth I am finding it very hard to enjoy this process.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist "
Thankfully I have my guitar by my side and any time I am not feeling good due to new information learned... I just pick it up and sing myself back to the happy feeling ;)
I took this shot moments ago. It is midnight here in Bali and I am tired. But with happy feeling re-established I am going to crack on with this till I drop!
It is no longer possible to sue a vaccine manufacturer even if you can categorically prove their vaccine has negatively affected the health of your child & that they were knowingly selling an unsafe product.
Ever since the 2011 Supreme Court case of Bruesewitz Vs Wyeth, it was ruled that 'vaccines are unavoidably unsafe' but in no situation can vaccine manufactures be held liable for any adverse effects.
They have become drug dealers with complete immunity! a world where you are outcast and ostracised if you do not take their drugs and give them to your children.
This alone has deeply shocked and saddened me and I find it hard to understand why we are not thumping upon on the doors of congress & parliament demanding answers to this insanity?
You can see below just a few pages of the endless notes I have been making.... my writing is fast and furious, as is my mind! And I don't expect you to read them. If indeed you even can! I just want to show you how firmly dedicated I am to presenting a well informed, visually stimulating, thought provoking article... with all sources quoted clearly.
I am having to really push myself hard to keep on researching this subject due to the long forgotten uncomfortable feeling it is bringing back up for me.
Five years ago I promised myself to only focus on all that was wonderful about the world!
But for you my Steemian friends... I will see this through and deliver on my promise.
Writing this post has actually helped change my feeling even more back to what it should be & remind me why I am doing this!
Love Steemit for that 🙏🏻
The Upcoming Series
The first ten on my list are as follows:
VACCINES - how & why did they brainwash the world? An examination of international vaccination policies & my own personal experience watching my 2 unvaccinated children grow up in a world where they are now feared as being somehow dangerous to the vaccinated children.
NUTRITION & FASTING - the evolution of eating & progressive loss of knowledge. How & why has this happened?
SUNGAZING - why is everyone so afraid of looking at the sun? Done regularly in the correct way it can increase the size of your pineal gland - YOUR THIRD EYE. And let's not forget that the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans & even some Indians use/used sungazing to gain something so indescribably beneficial.
EARTHING - the advantages of taking your socks & shoes off. What happens when your skin touches the oldest & wisest mother of them all? And why is this especially relevant in our modern world?
THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY - one of the most despicable lies going on today and a tough pill to swallow for many! And the solution is so much simpler than you might imagine.
EYESIGHT/VISION - how to cure your defective eyesight without going to an optician. Those of you who wear glasses will be invited to join me on a 60 course to correct your vision. I will be running my course as a Steemit exclusive.
CONSCIOUSNESS & INSTINCT - where does it originate and why are we here? We are capable of so much more than we currently understand! Our reliance on 'the system' has left us blind to our own abilities.
THE ILLUSION OF TIME - an examination of what this word time really means. Looking specifically at experiments which defy our understanding of time and relate back to the previous article on instinct.
DEATH - seriously over-hyped & nothing to worry about! Focussing specifically on the Pineal Gland, NDEs (near death experiences), channelling and my experiences with a Ouija board.
HUMANS & OUR PLAYGROUND - how much do we really know about our history here? Using numerous examples I will show you that we have been here much longer than history would have us believe. What does this mean for us today?
In Conclusion
I am seriously excited to share with you what I have learned (exclusively on Steemit) in order that you may benefit too.
For one simple reason:

Who is @samstonehill?
Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.
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Scientific's funny term. Most of scientist are bunch of people ignoring real human experiences. They are so closed in their own world that they can't see cleary anymore. Damage from vaccinations are perfect example.
"One must remember that historically, logic and scientific methodology have not been fixed and static systems but growing, dynamic processes" - Raymond Moody
This is something very difficult for most scientists and researchers to accept. Especially when they have been 'educated' by the very system which seeks to control through remaining static.
A long time ago vaccines were a good idea. Today they are something else.
Totally agree.
Great series! I'm looking forward to reading them (especially the one about eye-sight)!
As for vaccines and big pharma, I get the same feeling. As I'm not a doctor, I try to get my facts straight when I write on this topic and the more I read, the madder I get. By the way, in my country it's the same situation with manufacturers you cannot sue. It's the government that assumes full responibility for potential side-effects!
If you are interested in the eyesight course, I suggest you get started right away and watch my playlist here:
This will prepare you for the exercises and mediations we will be doing 🌅
Interesting to learn that you have the same legal situation also in Romania. Have followed you for more... ;)
there are more and more awoken people. It is good news!!
your notes show how serious and deep you come to your own researches.
By the way - you know that the less clear a man's way of writing is, the cleverer this man is.
I have no doubt you're very intelligent!
Seriously? I didn't know that!
In school they told me I was stupid because of the way I write and gave me many labels: dyslexic, ADHD, slow learner etc...
Thank you for alerting me to this information...
yes it's so! I have read researches about it recently)
school and society are fond of giving diagnosis(
poor they are.. the main deseases is in their hands - blidness to see the deprth of the truth(
Excellent post. I always look forward to your informative articles most of which I too am very passionate about. Vaccines and state endorsed dangerous drugs are a bugbear to me....I fully believe my Mother's death was a direct result of routine prescribing of unnecessary drugs.
It is very rare for me to give 100% upvote, but you deserve it.
Thank you sincerely for your 100% upvote & support around this somewhat taboo subject.
This is one I feel very strongly about. Especially now that I am at the age where all my friends are having children.
I very much appreciate your words 🙏🏻
If you can get your hands on it I recommend the book " Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime. How big pharma has corrupted healthcare." It's written by Peter C Gotzsche, the head of the Nordic Cochrane Institute - the gold star of academic research - and is backed up by masses of evidence.
Thanks for the tip! Am having a good look around online now to see if I can find it... or at least some extracts.
Links to evidence are key to this kind of article.
I don't know if links to youtube work in the replies, but we'll find out now 😊
Thanks! I am currently having a good read of the pages amazon provides for free..."+It%27s+written+by+Peter+C+Gotzsche
Keep up the good work Sam ! Yes, research can be painful. This pain in knowing imho far outweighs the pain of ignorance.
With knowledge comes wisdom .. Keep learning and sharing.
Thank you for all the work you are doing to enlighten the masses on steemit and the world. !
Quotable works is work I can get behind !!!
Your Friend, JTS
With knowledge comes wisdom. Yes yes yes!
And even better when we can share it with others :)
Many thanks for your ongoing support 🙏🏻 Am following u now!
You said there would be references to your research, so these can be checked. but there are no links to anything in your article.
You also say that the drug companies can no longer be sued - in which country?
All countries of the world, or just America?
Sorry if I wasn't clear but this is not the main article. Just me having a little moan about how tough it has been to research it. I will post the source links in the main article when it is done. Hopefully in a few days!
I was referring to America in this post. Though I know there are more. Someone here in the comments just confirmed it is the same in Romania now.
This is an wonderful profile. But in fact, half of post is advertisement of author and his products and similar other things.
By the way, I will be waiting for your articles.
To reach as many people as possible, one must do multiple posts in the build-up to a series like this :)
Appreciate your support 🙏🏻
No problem. I just stated the fact in your post. Keep going. I am just exploring the site and trying to learn from everyone. Every person has their own method! @samstonehill
great. also do on my post bro
mh ... viewed, voted, commented, followed and re-steemed ...
anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days but as far as i'm concerned steemit is already dead ... given the nature of the game if it takes only two people out of 400.000 with a couple of votes to halve your rep then its more like a trap than an opportunity imo, good luck anyway ... but what does this have to do with anarchy ???
(yes my standard sig ... well consider ... the more throughput you get the more you get you get, you get ? other than that for me its just a few votes a day since this log10 whale system (for someone like me who isnt always positive and speaks freely, will always have heavy trolls waiting to pound my rep down SO ... i'm not asking money for votes , am i ... follow me , i'll follow you back, all that gets resteemed gets more the more more gets more ... its not even symbiosis ... so i waste half a post on explaining it since most dont seem to get it, if i have actually something to say then i'll post it in a separate reply so please ... i dont downvote, i mute, like it says on my profile)
i try to do five votes-resteems , preferably five different people, anything else is a waste of time since two whales out of 400.000 people wrecked my rep the first day thats what it means jeezes thats not a sig, thats a disclaimer