Rage Control - Strategy and Therapy

in #health6 years ago

Anger is the primary human emotion and represents an emotional state that varies from mild irritation to strong anger. Its appearance is completely normal and does not necessarily mean anything bad until it can be controlled.

However, when anger grows into enormous bitterness and anger, it becomes destructive and destructive. The inability to control anger leads to different problems in all areas of life.

Below find out how you can control anger!

Anger - the primary human emotion
Anger is such a powerful emotion that is accompanied by physiological and biological changes. When angry, heart rate and blood pressure increase as well as hormone levels, especially adrenaline and noradrenaline. Anger can be directed at a person or event, and sometimes it is a result of worrying about different problems.

When anger appears in its most intense form, it is usually perceived and viewed as anger. Probably you all have experienced your own or someone's fall out of anger.

Why are they called outsiders? Precisely because they represent sudden and quick patterns of behavior and outburst of feelings that are often accompanied by verbal or non-verbal aggression, anger and bitterness, and are primarily the result of excessive anger.

Anger is a natural response to threats, and it is a defensive mechanism in situations that require the defense and struggle to be taken after we are attacked. This means that a certain amount of anger in life is necessary and necessary for survival.

However, we can not express our angry reactions to any person or object that irritates or angers us. We must learn to control anger.

How do people react to anger?
People use different conscious and unconscious processes to deal with excessive anger and anger. The three main approaches to this are expression, suppression and calming.

Expressing feelings in an asertic and non-aggressive way is the healthiest and best way of expressing anger and anger. To do this, you must learn to clearly identify your needs and ways to fulfill them, without hurting others' feelings.

Why is it important to control anger?
The anger can be repressed for a moment, then redirected to something else. Stop thinking about what provokes anger and focus on something positive. The goal is to prevent or suppress rage and turn it into more constructive behavior.

The danger of this type of answer is that anger can be turned inward if its expression is not allowed outward. A rage directed inward can cause high blood pressure or depression, and may also create other health problems.

Unwanted anger can lead to pathological expressions of anger, such as passive aggression or self-destructiveness that can significantly damage the quality of life. People who constantly criticize others and seek out their rage with cynical comments have probably never learned how to constructively express their anger. Unfortunately, they probably will never be able to create friendly and successful relationships with people.

Researches of anger control
Psychological research has shown some people are more inclined to fall out of anger. They are quicker and more intense than others. They tend to express their anger in external ways and are very irritable and sensitive. Because of such frenzied outbursts, they mostly do not have friends, and sometimes retreat in society, they close in or are physically ill.

People who are easily angry usually have what some psychologists call a low tolerance to frustration, which means they simply feel that they should not be subjected to frustration or discomfort.

There is allegation that the causes of such behavior are genetically or physiologically, or that some children are born more irritating than other children. They are more sensitive and easy to break, and such angry and furious outbreaks can be seen from the earliest age, which means that it is sometimes difficult to control the anger of children.

There are also sociocultural causes that can affect the tolerance of frustration and control of anger. Anger is often regarded as a negative social phenomenon, and people are under-educated to control anger.

Research has also shown that the family background is important for controlling anger. People who are easily angry and come from a dysfunctional family that does not know how to deal with conflicts and quarrels, are unlikely to learn the skills of social and emotional intelligence, and will therefore have many problems with expressing anger.

Control of rage - strategy
The most effective way of wearing with excessive anger and furious outbursts is developing strategies that will help you control anger.

Simple relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or relaxing music, can help calm down angry feelings. There are books and courses that can teach you various relaxation techniques, and after you learn techniques, you can use them in any situation.

If you are surrounded by people who also have problems expressing anger, you can certainly find methods that relax and control your anger.

Cognitive restructuring
Cognitive restructuring literally means a change in the way of thinking. When you are angry, your opinion can be exaggerated and dramatic, and sometimes unrealistic because you are not able to reasonably think.

Try to replace those thoughts with a more rational view of the situation. Instead of saying, "It's terrible, everything is ruined and I do not know how to go on!", You can say: "It frustrates me greatly and disturbs me, but it's completely normal that I'm upset about it. It's not the end of the world, and anger can not change anything. "

Take special care with words like "never" and "always" when talking about yourself or someone else. They generally point out that there are no ways to solve the problem and that anger is justified. They also negatively affect people who would otherwise want to try to find a solution. Recall that anger will not solve anything and will not help you feel better.

Further, remember each time you feel angry that it is just such a situation and that things will overlap with time. Do not immediately generalize the state of the situation to the whole world and perceive it as a bad and unjust place.

All the difficult situations that can happen are not impassable. Try to realize this every time you feel anger and restore the balance between positive and negative emotions.

It would also be good to create the optimal level of expectations, requirements, and goals. When you can not get what you want, you will experience common reactions such as frustration, disappointment, and mental wounds. Many people then use anger and anger to cover these wounds, so others do not know it is difficult for them. Unfortunately, anger will not heal the wounds, and it would be good to realize that we are all vulnerable and that when we encounter severe problems at the time.

Solving problems
Fury can also be the cause and consequence of a problem. There is a cultural conviction that every problem has a solution, but when we are frustrated and furious, it's hard to think about it. The best way is not to focus in difficult situations immediately on finding a solution, because perhaps this one-minute solution is not available.

You'd better deal with access to the problem and how to deal with it. Sometimes the solution only appears after a while, but there is always some reason for that. Keep in mind that the solution exists, but you still have to face the problem by yourself in order to progress.

Better communication
When people are angry and angry, they often like to make immediate conclusions that are mostly inaccurate and unrealistic. First, you should slow down and think about what you will say. Do not tell the first thing that comes to mind, but think about it. Listen carefully to what another person is saying and take the time before answering.

Sometimes the criticism is very difficult to stay calm, but do not let someone else kick you out of the clock. Some experts suggest a countdown in the head to 10 to give yourself time to calm down before a reaction that could otherwise be catastrophic.

Using humor
Humor can help break the anger in several ways. It can help you get a different perspective on the situation. If someone gets angry, negative emotions can be suppressed by positive emotions, and humor can be of great help to you.

However, what you must know is that you must not just laugh with your problems but use humor to confront them. Also, avoid sarcastic humor because some consider it unhealthy to express anger, and can often hurt others who do not understand that it is a matter of sarcasm.

What is most important about humor is that it helps you not to grasp seriously some situations that can really be solved. Although anger is a serious emotion, it is often accompanied by crazy and unrealistic ideas that can make you laugh after calming.

Change the environment
Unfortunately, sometimes the environment in which you find yourself so frustrating is that it is itself a cause of anger. It would be a good idea to take a break and plan time for yourself in that environment that could cause you anger.

For example, a father who comes with a very stressful job after a busy day should spend the first time in peace, and not immediately in the discussion about what needs to be fixed in the house and what's bad all that day. So you could take a rule of 15 minutes of mental rest in situations where you could react furiously.

Likewise, if you are experiencing difficult situations at work and if anger began to control you, and not you, you might consider changing your workplace. While this is sometimes impossible, try to consider all the options and get information about other jobs.

Perhaps you understand with time that it is not that bad then, and you might just find another job that will offer you a much more relaxed work environment.

Fear control - therapy
If you feel that your anger is really out of control and if it significantly affects all your relationships, consider psychological counseling to teach you how to act better in situations that are frustrating.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy would certainly help you control anger. A psychologist or other educated therapist could help you develop various techniques for changing your thinking and behavior. Assertiveness training has also proved to be very useful for wearing stressful and frustrating situations that provoke anger and anger.

Be sure to note that you can not completely eliminate the anger. He is even good in certain situations, and sometimes justified, but you must know how to control anger.

Life is filled with frustration, loss, and stress, and you can not change it, but you can change the way you look at such situations and how to deal with the problems you encounter.

Rage Control - TV Series
One of the most famous American series is the Rage Control which, alongside Charlie Sheen, talks about the former baseball star who has fought for years and has fallen into unhealthy situations due to the inability to control anger.

What is especially interesting in the series is that Charlie turns a new page into life after completing his career and becomes a therapist who tries to explain to others the strategies of controlling anger. The series was created by the same name in 2003.

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