Tales of Epidemics: Typhus [Still around --> Aka Rickettsia]
Central Europe, 1813: Epidemic 'war typhus' [Rickettsia prowazekii]
Typhus is a disease caused by infection with rickettsial bacteria. Rat or cat fleas, mites (chiggers), lice, or ticks transmit it when they bite you.
It is a tick fever that has flu-like symptoms with bone pains, vomiting, exhausting high fevers [lasting weeks] and body rashes like a pox.
Medical Treatment: 50% Survival Rate [Pre antibiotics]
65,000 died in spite of conventional medical treatment in the 1813 epidemic.
Homeopathic Treatment: 99.5% Survival Rate
In Leipzig at that time, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann treated 183 cases of typhus, giving bryonia 12c or rhus tox 12c according to the individual's particular symptoms. [Rhus tox is a common homeopathic remedy in the treatment of later stage, chronic lyme disease.] To patients in the later stages of typhus he gave hyos 9c.
182 of them lived. 1 very old, feeble man died.
Homeopathy is the longest established CAM [Complimentary & Alternative Medicine] to have arisen in Europe.
It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who grew up in Meissen in Germany, received his medical degree in Erlangen in 1779, and died a millionaire in Paris in 1843 [testament to the efficacy of his methods].
Hahnemann's contributions to chemistry and pharmacy are notable.
He introduced a new test for arsenic for use in toxicology and forensic medicine. His test for the detection of adulterants in wine was authoritative, as was his standardised pharmacy lexicon used in Germany for a good part of the 19th Century.
He wrote the main book used by apothecaries for most of the 19th Century! ... but in doing so he utterly lost faith in the medicine he'd been trained in.
Hahnemann: C19th "Unfucker"
His contribution to medicine has saved many more lives than those described above ... and if his medicine had been embraced, rather than suppressed for threatening the purses of the apothecaries of his time, we would have a standard system of medicine capable of healing rather than one that is the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA and most likely elsewhere. He is the ultimate "Unfucker" [grabbing a useful term from @daniarnold].
Modern Day Treatment for Rickettsia Typhus
The symptoms haven't changed. Homeopathy is a beautiful, time-tested system and the same remedies are most often used for typhus fever today.
I've treated people for recurrent Rickettsia symptoms, where the organism stays within the person and flares [it is often a co-infection with Lyme Disease, along with a host of others]. I've tended to use Rickettsia nosode [a homeopathic remedy made from the bacterium itself] and rhus tox.
Recently we had great success with an American dog who got fever and sickness after being bitten.
It's not just humans that are affected.
Here's a good video describing typhus/Rickettsia in detail:
Don’t know what it means but I live it. Hahah
Congratulations on your success
Thanks 😄
I'm seriously enjoying reading your posts @sallylloyd !!! Unfucker.... giggle... love it!

I LOVE the idea of unfuckers @daniarnold. I think Hahnemann was an unfucker and an I ducking in a specific mission to clean up medicine in his time. Dedicated, vocal, pissed people off and left them in no doubt of what he thought. 😄
Ha! Unfucker 😷 resteemed!
Thanks Niloofar 😄
Very educational. I hope we can fight all kind of disease.