A Crucial Reason For Choosing Medicine

in #health7 years ago (edited)

If you are thinking about which type of medicine to choose ... maybe you think all natural medicines are born equal?

I wrote this response on a PoTs specific facebook group that @helixhomeopathy runs. Daizee had posted a fascinating link to a whole bunch of medicinal plant volumes and I got thinking about it in homeopathic terms and about my journey to from herbalist to homeopath.


“Wow Daizee! That’s fascinating.


We use berberis in homeopathic potency for bladder infections. It’s one of the medicinal plants that has a homeopathic action on the bladder, meaning it can produce bladder symptoms in a person who is healthy and stimulate the body to cure them in someone who has bladder problems. So, even in herbal (not super diluted and potentised) form berberine is acting homeopathically.
The advantage of using these medicines in homeopathic potency is they are longer acting mostly (they act on an energetic level as well as or sometimes instead of a chemical level ... depending on which potency you use) & you avoid the possible side effects of them.

I used to use a lot of herbs alongside homeopathy (I’m a homeopath but I had started from the herbalist position). However, a friend of mine had some herbal tinctures from our shared homeopathy and had a side effect of interstitial nephritis ... a kind of allergic response in her case I think ... and she dropped to 15% kidney function and spent 4 months in hospital at death’s door.
It propelled me into going fully the way of homeopathy.

When substances don’t act homeopathically (they cannot cause the symptoms you are trying to treat) they are usually acting by supplementing the body (hey, that’s good, right?) But they are otherwise acting by suppressing symptoms. That can be done with herbs just as it can be done with conventional medication.

Before I was a homeopath and still a herbalist I began to check out the homeopathic action of the herbs I was using ... because the homeopathic materia medica books tell you if it’s likely to be suppressive or not but they also tell you the side effects of the substances (which you need to look out for if taking them in material/herbal form.
It just became easier to practice homeopathy because all the remedies are safe and none work suppressively.

So, maybe take the herb that’s indicated and read it up in the materia medica (easy to do online by searching it’s Latin name alongside the word homeopathy) and consider using a 30c of it in homeopathic potency form.
Avoid side effects. Avoid potential antibiotic action of herbs (just like conventional antibiotics, herbs with an antibiotic action can disrupt your gut microbiome ❤️ Homeopathy, on the other hand rids you of infection by addressing your susceptibility to it. We have bacteria like strep all the time and susceptibility allows it to overgrow in some people at times) and get the powerful, long term effects.

These are all the reasons Samuel Hahnemann worked to develop potentised, diluted homeopathic forms of our medications.

Paula Webb wrote a great steemit article on his work recently I think. Am I right? If not I’ll try to find it: https://steemit.com/health/@helixhomeopathy/boris-johnson-s-grandma-mercury-and-the-case-for-homeopathy


@sallylloyd. Great article and thanks for the mention. I hope we can go some way to helping people understand how homeopathy was founded and what an amazing system of healing it offers.

Hi @sallylloyd great to see that the wishdom of natural healing is being adopted by you and shared to others. I think nature offers everything we need also for medicinal purposes. Many deseases people suffering are because of the way we use products that are not natural.

I also used a natural medicine that worked really great. When i was a little boy i had motion sickness and when sitting in the car i felt sick. My mother started to give me ginger af an hour before we travelled and that helped great. The nauseous feelings were gone so for me that was the best medicine.

Thnxs for sharing this. I am happy to follow you and looking forward to your future posts. Have a nice day!


Yes! I’ve used ginger for pregnancy nausea in the past too. My daughter had an essential oil roll on for carsickness and that was good. My youngest had homeopathic remedies in the car (tabacum was the best one for her).
You’re very right about what causes a lot of our illness. Very right indeed.
I’m glad you are following and I’m looking forward to each of your posts too. You are welcome to tag me in comments when you post to be sure I see them and I’ll come and vote 😄

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