Gold and its real value.....!?
People, always seem to be attracted to gold and precious metals but very few understand what its good for and most just wear it as jewelry. Now back in poverty and war times a gold or silver necklace was a great bargaining chip as each link could be cut off and traded for goods, food or water. If times of hunger were upon us a bag of rice could be worth a lot more that gold to anyone at that point in time. So why are exotic metals so valuable? Some could come up with many reasons from its limited supply to the mining and labor it takes to find and extract from the earth, .... but wait, l believe there is more to it than just that. :) The exotic metals consist of the 4 less dense metals near silver Ag and the other 4 denser metals along side gold Au, together this makes 8 Platinum or exotic metals. Again, whats there real application? When it comes to gold and silver these normally are the great conductors for circuit boards and CPU's, your phone is full of gold and silver. As for health there are many benefits of having gold and silver in your system via colloidal solutions, silver being a strong anti viral and anti bacterial and gold being a brain enhancer and repairer or certain body tissues. to be continued..l have a lot more to write on this topic please express your interest.
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Much thanks Hatu,.. I will have more material, I will be sure to view and comment on yours. Please send your like or questions l will do my best. Kindness to all :)