These foods and drinks will never be worse than lever
1. Garlic
Several studies have found that the toxic elements present in the liver's interior begin to come out of the morning after eating a garlic with a quagmire on an empty stomach. As a result, the performance of the liver does not take time to increase. In this case, an antioxidant called Alicin, which is present in this natural element, plays a special role.
2. Bit
The liver is severely damaged due to harmful carcinogenes present in the body. As a result, there is a danger of being affected by various lever diseases. If you do not want to do this, start eating them regularly. See if the benefits are met. In fact, an antioxidant called Bitalens, which is present in the bits, exposes harmful substances in the body. As a result, the risk of loss of any type of liver is reduced.
3. Broccoli
Istosiosanate, which is present in this vegetables, plays an important role in reducing the level of inflammation in the body, as well as increasing liver function. In fact, a test done by researchers from the University of Illinois shows that there is no alternative to the broccoli's ability to keep the disease like 'Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver'. So if the liver is to keep healthy, then do not forget to drink a day in a three-day week!
4. Leaf lemon
Leo is a citrus fruit like seasonal, which contains plenty of vitamin C, antioxidant, and biooblobonides. These components also make cleaning the liver, as well as keeping the body inside the body so that the oxidative diazage is not high. As a result, the performance of the liver began to grow.
5. Raw mango
Many studies show that raw mango is not an option to detoxify the body in the tree. Not only this, this fruit plays an important role in enhancing liver and gall bladder performance.
6. Apple
It is said, 'If one day an apple is eaten, then the doctor does not have to face the face any day.' It is not wrong in some part. In fact, many nutritious substances present in apples play an important role in improving the performance of each organs of the body in addition to keeping an eye on the liver in which there is no wound. As a result, a small and big disease can not be close to it.
7. Carrots
There is a very strong antioxidant named Carotenoid which is in the body of the carrot, which does not allow the body to go near the body of a free radical or toxic product. As a result, there is no risk of damage to organs, not just liver.
In fact, there are a few drinks, which may reduce the risk of liver disease being played regularly. For example ...
1. Tipper
Have you eaten a little more at night? The body is doing a puffery. Do not worry. Do not drink a cup of drinking tea, you will see problems decrease. Along with that the performance of the liver will begin to increase.
2. Lemon water
This is another effective beverage to keep Leverak better. In lemon water, there are several neutrinos that are beneficial for the liver. So if this drink is eaten before going to bed every night, then the lever is clean. At the same time, the performance of this vital organ also increases.
3. Camomile tea
This tea contains a lot of ingredients called Csecquetron Lecton, which helps to clean the liver's clean-up process.
4. Rose tea
Liver is good for playing this tea every day, as well as reducing stress and depression, keeping the night's sleep so good.
wow! great, its helpful post for us.thanks.@rizve47
Thank you so much @shahparan keep me in your mind bro :)
So true! Did you know that garlic is natural stimulant for erection?
Yes i know. thank you for sharing your information. keep it up and keep me in your mind :)