Greetings Steemians, followers of Bienestar, today I want to share a very powerful information with multiple benefits for our body, taking into account how expensive medicine is at this time in our Venezuela are good homemade antidotes, as is the Infusion of ginger hot with lemon and honey, rich in natural antibiotic, antioxidant (able to slow aging) and vitamin C.
When I discovered the benefits that my body gives to ingesting this infusion, I included it in my daily habits and in the short term observe the wonderful results, of course accompanied by a good diet and exercise routine. So I invite you to taste this delicious drink daily fasting slightly hot, increases body heat, activating a very appropriate thermogenesis in our body to go burn fat, in addition to detoxify it, very good way to start the day, since it goes directly to the intestines and helps to eliminate fecal matter from the previous day. (If the first thing that is taken in the morning is cold water, this startles and paralyzes the stomach, crystallizes or hardens the fat, with which gases or distension are created).

Note that this drink will also allow you to deflate, relieve possible stomach pains and reduce constipation, strengthen your immune system, and therefore can make you feel great both inside and outside.
The root of ginger is ideal to reduce belly fat, works as a natural antibiotic very effective to lose weight, which helps clear the nostrils, prevents flu, is a good expectorant in addition to improving digestion.
The Majestic recipe consists of boiling filtered water with two slices of ginger root, then letting rest and adding a lemon and a teaspoon of honey, indispensable to be fasting daily.
Remember this suggestion is not for special occasions, but for you to include it in your eating habits for daily life and so you will see the miraculous results.