Veganism Negative Impact for the Environment

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Hello, I have arrived to play devil's advocate and trigger all of your soft and weak egos. Let's start with Vegan's and their Satanical cult of Veganism. Veganism is now a religous cult of ideological blindness. Vegans have bypassed the truth as they want to believe that they are doing something important for the environment, when in reality what they are doing is barely any better than what anyone else is doing and oftentimes worse. They are just stroking their fragile ego's. Here's a wake up call for all of you.

Now for some Education as you vegans don't even know where your food comes from! Monocropping is the only way to produce enough food for the masses. Monocropping is the practice of having a cultivated crop that does not rotate with other crops in a particular field or area. Firstly this leads to deforestation to make big enough fields for farming not to mention this is done in key areas like the amazon rainforest a.k.a. the lungs of the planet.
This is what deforestation looks like:

The Ancient Egyptians used better farming practices than we use today, more sustainable, and built on a river that was constantly bringing more nutrients in to the soil. Look at Egypt today, That is no mere coincidence. Organically producing mass quantities of food is not easy to do. This is why organic foods are so much more expensive. This gives the mass little incentive to boycott non-organic foods, leading to little to no change in farming practices. So pesticides are poured on these fields year after year to keep them fertile as there is no organic nutrients left in the soil. For the past 50 or so years now we have witnessed the degredation of nutrients in our vegetables to the point of where it is extremely challenging to consume enough nutrients today. We cannot continue to desertify the planet in this manner.
This is what desertification looks like:

Here I will play the vegans game that we all hear so much
Thanks stupid vegans for ruining the planet, Don't you care about the plant's feelings you are murdering?

Some more fun facts:

  • Soy leads to excess estrogen in the body, making both men and women's boobs bigger to say the least.
  • You can't live vegan in the wild, That's called death by starvation.
  • There are some cultures in India that did live close to vegan in the past, however they consumed dairy.
  • Excess Carbohydrates will make you fat, not quality fats.

So what is the solution?
Local, Permaculture, Pasture Raising, Polyface farming practices based on a natural approach are the best solution also the healthiest.

I would also listen to these men speak:
Joel Salatin

Cow's Carbon and Climate
  • Joe Rogan Experience #479
    Michael Pollan
  • Michael Pollan On Joel Salatin's Polyface Farm
  • The Omnivore's Dilemma
    Alan Savory: This man straight up uses cattle to fix the Desertification issue.
    How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change

    Have a wonderful meat filled day and remember if you truly cared about the planet you will eat and shop locally from a farmer you know along with educating ignorance.

    Thanks for Reading, You can follow me at projecthor for more health, nutrition and fitness related articles


    Archaeologists and anthropologists got together to investigate how the Incas could feed well over 500,000 people around the South American ruins of the Myans.

    They theorised that local land area could not support enough regular agriculture to feed such a vast number of people concentrated into a relatively localised area of land.

    Working together with locals they built a series of rafts and tied these to the local river banks. Locals would simply dive to the river bottom and bring up buckets of mud. Once a raft was covered in a thick layer of mud, plant crops were harvested.

    Since the river continually resupplied the key nutrients via the mud crop production was way higher than that which could have been resourced from growing plants on the available land surfaces.

    This sustainable agriculture allowed very advanced civilization features of permanency; things such as highways and sanitation and running water. Consider if there was not enough room to grow traditional land based food crops their would certainly have not been room to raise large meat providing animals.

    Meat ingestion provided a huge boost to human evolution millennia years ago. It is believed this super concentrated form of protein provided the fundamental building blocks for humans gaining advanced thinking processes such as planning and logic skills.

    Whether this is true or not may remain a subject of debate, however today there are simply far far to many humans to feed relying primarily on meat producing animals. Today we have worldwide transportation systems there is absolutely no need to consume any meat producing animal for nutrition or good health.

    Today everything the human body requires can usually be supplied by some non meat means often without the growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics to reduce the incidence of disease in livestock.

    So do yourself a favor; don't have a Cow, choose to have a carrot instead : )

    / hugz ; )

    i just had a metaphorical knock down drag out fight with a vegan who refuses to address any of these points short of saying debunk debunk debunk and conspiracy theory. fact is monocropping and feed lots are destroying out ability to feed ourselves healthfully, not eating meat. ruminants are integral to holding back desertification. grass-fed meat is a healthy food that supports environmental sustainability. without it the world's land will eventually become desert. as the crop land becomes desert and humans are forced to clear cut more forests just to eat, we will eventually run out, killing everything else in the process. vegans appointing themselves the most moral and demonizing the people who know the truth is dangerous and no one should stand for it. thank you for this post.

    gracias por compartir este material. me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

    Upvote for Joel Salatin reference.

    "For the past 50 or so years now we have witnessed the degredation of nutrients in our vegetables to the point of where it is extremely challenging to consume enough nutrients today."

    Do you have a source for this?

    This was taught to me when I was in the health food industry. There must be tons of sources.

    Excellent Post!

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