RE: Magnesium, Why You're Deficient and What You Can Do About It
I don't claim to be a doctor on the internet, I may write a post on b12. Off the top of my head it comes from red meat mainly. Vegans are deficient, as for your symptoms it could be numerous things. How much sunlight are you getting? Try to get some first thing when you wake up and then have lights off 2-3 hours before bed. F.lux is a great program.
Edit: The symptoms 1,4 that you mentioned seem to be because you are bottled up in your head and stressed out. You are going to have to figure out how to improve that. Lifestyle
Symptoms 2,3 Could be the same but could also be from a lack of proper nutrition or quality sleep. By resetting your circadian rhythm it could tremendously help your sleeping
Here dude, this is your best bet
I appreciate the input and the help. I will for sure look into the supplement and see if it helps.
Ha, funny you should say lifestyle. I came here to write about it, and what I want... I was raised on a farm in Mississippi and now live in a big city. I went from growing and raising everything I ate to buying it all and now I hate it... I want to go back to the simpler life. It is in the works but oh I can not wait for the day.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I do get a lot of sunlight. I am very very active out doors.