Going Nuts For Coconuts

in #health7 years ago

Image: FreeImages

All things coconut were quite the craze over the past few years. It is one of Mother Nature's greatest gifts to us. From the tree, to the leaves and even the fruit itself, there is a use for it. The coconut itself is one of the healthiest foods there is.

Flesh & Water. Milk & Oil

Break open a coconut and you are greeted with its luscious and refreshing flesh and water.

Coconut Flesh

Image: Recipes Wiki

The coconut flesh is one of the most nutrient densed foods. Packed with B Vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients like manganese, potassium, copper and etc., it helps our bodily functions in multiple ways. Be it red blood cells formation, preventing oxidative and free-radical damage, modulating our immune systems or even in the prevention of dehydration, the benefits of coconut are plenty.

It is also high in saturated fat, which helps lower bad cholestrol and raise good cholestrol in the body.

It can be eaten as is, or turning it into coconut flour and cream/milk. Coconut oil is extracted from mature coconuts.

Coconut Oil

Image: Tips for Survivalist

Coconut oil has taken over the health food craze. From use in beauty products and/or treatments to general wellbeing, coconut oil has found its way to many pantries.

Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These MCFAs are easily digested and are not readily stored as fats. The lauric acid in coconut oil give it its contains antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

Fun Fact: Lauric acid is converted into monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin has been shown to dissolve the lipid coatings on enveloped viruses (HIV, Influenza, Hepatitis C, etc.)

On top of that, coconut oil has been shown to improve bodily fucntions, for bone health, aiding in ailments, and even for improved energy and strength.

Coconut Water

Image: Stockfresh

Like the flesh, coconut water has amazing benefits. It prevents dehydration and muscle tension due to its high potassium and electrolytes content, helps lowers blood pressure and cholestrol, assists in detoxification.

Fun Fact: Coconut water was used for Intravenous (IV) hydration during World War 2 when regular saline solution was in short supply.

For All Things Coconut

Personally, I do use coconut on a regular basis. I supplement myself with the oil. I also use coconut quite often in my cooking. The coconut milk and coconut water are fermented to make kefir for an added probiotic boost.

There are many other ways that coconut can be used. You can make coconut flour (from dried grated coconuts) as a gluten free substitute.

Fancy a vegan butter? Then try making coconut butter by grinding your grated coconuts.

Coconut & HIV

Eating a coconut diet or taking coconut oil may be beneficial to those living with HIV/AIDS.

Monolaurin's antiviral action is due to the fact that it can dissolve the lipid coating of an enveloped virus, which HIV falls under. A study conducted by Dr. Conrato S. Dayrit in the Philippines concluded that monolaurin does exhibit antiviral effects and aided in the reduction of the viral load.

Aside to that, coconut could help with providing People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) an added energy boost from the MCFAs and benefit from the added nutrients from coconut.


Disclaimer: This post is intended solely for informational purposes only. It is not and should not be viewed as medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Please consult your healthcare professionals should you require medical advice.


Looked into your profile a bit and saw your challenge. I followed and would love to continue to follow your journey and see what other foods/nutrients that you discover to be helpful. Keep it up! 😊

Thank you. I would be posting on the types of foods/supplements that I take. Although the posts might take a while as I would have to try them out for a few months myself to see if they work. Do check back from time to time. =)

Of course, examining your own body´s response takes time but is neccesary in order to fully evaluate something new. Even though the result might vary from person to person it is still interesting and might be valuble to the indiviual in all kinds of ways! Looking forward to future posts no matter the wait :)

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