Top 5 Most Powerful Herbs to get Rid of Stomach and Intestinal Problems
In the old days, we used herbs for almost everything. As a painkiller, stress reliever, in food. Why wouldn't it be still effective. In this article you'll find five herbs that should have great effects on stomach and intestinal problems. Why not try herbs first?
1. Savory
Savory is known for its medicinal properties for stomach complaints
2. Basil
Basil helps relieve bloating. Drink two times per day a cup of basil thea in order to get a good effect.
3. Cumin
Cumin has a positive effect on digestive disorders and intestinal fermentations.
4. Parsly
Parsley, not only delicious, but also medicinal. It stimulates the metabolism and is very effective in stomach, kidney and bladder problems.
5. Yarrow
Yarrow. Slap brewed tea of this herb helps relieve diarrhea.
Yay! I am an herbalist, trying to grow a few of my own herbs after mostly buying them at the store. Its a shift. I absolutely believe in alternative medicine! Nice post...I did not know all of these helped digestive disorders. I bet Yarrow is anti viral if it helps diarrhea. I normally use peppermint for that one. Parsley is loaded with Vitamin C and helps with detoxing. I make a cleansing smoothie with celery, kiwi, apple juice, and fresh parsley.
Sounds great! Thanks for sharing. So, does it work, eating more herbs? Great you grown them yourself, why not from scratch? Just being curious. Thanks for your response :)
Well, I have been able to handle the majority of my own medicine for many years now, so yes. I've got a few of them started from seed, thinking of doing more from this article.
Yes please!
Great work, we are always doing highlights on different plants in our garden in the jungle here. Nicely done! We love plants
Thanks! And I will follow you for that. Curious to see what your posts are about.
I think, I will try a few of these.
I'll do the same, ok? I like these herbs, the taste is good. You can easily cook with these herbs. For example: cumin in curry .. yumm!
Yepp. BTW, you are just 1 away from 100...
I knowwww!!!!
Interesting! I use Cardamom for my IBS. And sodium bicarbonate.
And? Does it work? Just curious!
Yes. Green Cardamom BTW. The black ones does not do anything.
Interesting! Do you know why? Need to read more about it!
There are some research articles on pubmed. Though not thoroughly researched. It is a member of the ginger family, that might be a cloue.
Sounds logic to me. Thanks for sharing!! Maybe you can write about your experiences. Let me know and I'll resteem it :-)
I might. Not really my kind of topic, but who knows.
Interesting post! We definitely need to eat more healthy and not always put pills in our body if something is wrong!
I totally agree!! Yes, we should!