Gluten free life

in #health8 years ago


It’s not so long ago, that I started with a gluten free life. My sister and step mother are gluten intolerant for all their life. I did know this diet, but I never aplicated it on myself. Why? I didn’t see any health problems. ...Or, did I? Well, yes, I have got a bit problem with a dermal eczema for all my life. Yes I feel something like a fatigue syndrome time to time. Yes, I have a bit problem with migraines and a high blood presure since my 15 yo... but I never thought it might be a gluten.

But my health troubles, the eczema especialy, escalated after some life overturnes and my psyche made it worse. Much worse. I took a pils with corticoids because the eczema was on my whole body and face and nothing else helped. I took painkillers for the unbearable migraines almost every day and I felt so tired!

Then I left Czechia for three months and in Arfica I was eating the local food. And my troubles was much better there - almost goneAlmost, because time to time, we milled a wheat to make a wheat flour. And I made some sweet cake or bread on our fireplace. (very challenging btw!)

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Cooking in our luxury kitchen - pancakes on fire!

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This sweet bread is made on a fireplace as well!

But after I came back to Czechia and started eat „normaly“ my troubles was emediatelly back... and even worse then before. So, I was thinking... what was different in Africa. The food of course. In Africa, there was almoust everything glutenfree. Fufu ( a corn flour), rice, vegetable, gari (a maniok flour), potatoes, cocoyams...

But I can’t diet like this! I just love our czech beer! And beer contains the gluten... I love our bread! And a pizza... how do I live without a pizza? "Pfff..." I was thinking... "I just try it for to be sure, but I can’t make it."

So, I tried. And a wonder came... the troubles left me... my skin was clean, my migraines was gone I felt strong and fresh.
But still! The beer...! The Czech beer. A few times, I sinned... you know, a vine is good, but drink it all nighl in a Czech pub? No way... after a few glasses of the vine, I was telling... „Ok! Give me a one glass of beer! What can it do to me?“

Ouch... the morning after, I saw what it can do to me. Pain, and the itchy eczema starting on my face... I've been suffered for a week from the just one beer! So, I finally confessed to myself that I am gluten intolerant and I must keep the diet strightly.

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Eczema and migraines are typical symptoms of gluten intolerance.

So, I started keep it strictly and luckily I found very soon that I can buy a gluten free beer as well here in Czechia (not so good like a Pilsen, but what can I do...)
I realized, it’s much better to eat a naturelly glutten free food than some „substitutes of glutten food“.

And what can I say now? It’s two years now and I feel so much better. I feel stronger, clean, more healthy, I lost a bit weight as well, my eczema and migraines are gone. I bake my own gluten free bread, I found a lot of tasty and naturelly gluten free ingrediences, my menu is even richer then ever before.

And after some time on the diet I visited a doctor to ask – can you make me a diagnose? Do I am really gluten intolerant or not? Can you test it? He told me – Yes, I can, but because you keep the diet so long, I can’t see the trouble any longer. So, if you need a diagnoses from me, you must eat some gluten and come back after, so we can make the test. But I refused to eat some gluten just for some oficial diagnose. I imagined the troubles which comes with only a bit gluten and I was pretty sure, I don’t need the piece of paper from the doctor. I just know it, because I do listen my own body.

I do believe, there is a lot of gluten intolerant people on our population nowadays. People just don't know about it. We get used to our little health troubles. We take some „little“ medicaments (poisones) for it. But sometimes, it can be so easy. The gluten. ( Or something else of course...).


I am Groot! :D


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