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RE: How the government is pushing conventional cancer treatments through TV

in #health5 years ago

Ok, I didn't understand your instructions on the quote, so I'll have to get my website coder to help me with that.

I tried doing that, but you didn't mention when to highlight & it's not working for me.

Thanks for the instructions though LOL

You wrote, "The Fisher bought is fingerlings and are grown in the aquaponics system to a size that can be eaten."

I didn't understand what you said here.

I don't know what a Fisher is or finderlings.

What fish do you use, & size of aquarium?

I had a big aquarium once for turtles, but cleaning the things was too taxing for me & that was many years ago back in '92/93 when I was much younger.

Anything that requires massive cleaning won't work for me. I just don't have the energy, plus I'm short, so I have short arms & my back wouldn't be able to handle it.

If I had the money, I'd hire someone.

I've never done canning before. Fresh is the best option of course.

Is canning better than just freezing fresh?

I know that a lot of the FB groups talk about canning, but I haven't even joined them yet to investigate. Plus I don't have the setup or room right now.

I assume you have a house with a cold room?

You wrote, "Steemit has been hurting themselves with the Resource Credit limitations they have placed, especially on new accounts! Since new accounts are their lifeblood the seems a little stupid."

Yes well... LOL since so many people are complaining about this, it's clear they don't give a shit.

I know I've left before & others have left forever & if they want to make it difficult for people to join, it's clear they just aren't smart.

You wrote, "I sent you steem dollars to try to get you out of the Resource Credit trap. So we can talk more. I think this is a very stupid policy that steam it originated!"

Oh thank you!!! You didn't have to do that.

I would actually prefer to talk in private, as this conversation has gotten too private.

Did you say you have Skype?

I'm not a fan of What's App, but I finally found out they have a browser app so I can type on there instead of using the stupid cell phone.

You wrote, "Did you say you were on wieku? There is no Resource Credit restriction there it's like the old steam that used to be a lot more fun there! And they do build up crypto when people like your work. I also believe that it's nice the build-up crypto. I spend a lot more time on weku now than I do on steemit!"

Yes, remember I said I signed up from your link, & you should find me on there b/c I can't figure out how to search for someone?

That's if people like what I write & it seems on here most people don't.



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