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RE: Belgium wants to arrest parents who put their kids on Vegan diets

in #health5 years ago

LOL, well I didn't do everything all at the same time.

I know you can make a scoby with store bought Kombucha, but I don't have a large selection here (only one Portugese brand I don't like), so I prefer to get the scoby from someone.

I will try again when I have some energy.

So which fermented foods do you eat that helped with your gluten issues? Sounds like you don't do the veggies or the kefir LOL

You probably already know, but what they do to wheat explains EVERYTHING about why people can't eat gluten anymore.

I've only ever liked the kefir once when it had just the right amount of sour to it, otherwise when I killed the grains (poor grains) & the milk tasted REALLY weird, I couldn't handle it.

Other times it was VERY sour & my stomach couldn't handle that.

I learned a while ago that a lot of the Himalayan salt is fake, so one has to be very careful where they buy it from.

That & salt lamps.

Last year I bought from a new company after asking them questions, I got the salt & it had almost NO taste to it if you can believe that.

I wanted my money back, the guy was an asshole, so I'll have to wait until I find a better solution.

In the meantime, I just use sea salt. You have to be careful there too.

Way too many scams out there, & sea salt can have issues with both mold & heavy metals - sigh.

Sorry to hear about the tomatoes.

I know that the fermenting takes a lot of practice & doing it half a million times, & I'm not known for my patience LOL

I may wait until I can buy one of those fermenting jars. I used weights this time.

The ends of the purple cabbage were turning dark brown color & freaking me out b/c I was scared it was mold, but everyone said it was fine.

I'm not a lover of ACV, although of course, I have it in the house b/c you have to have it as a staple when you get sick.

So she doesn't use salt, just the ACV?

You should see these fermenting groups on FB, they all show off their jars full of what they made.

There's some interesting concoctions they come up with & some look pretty, but it's the taste that matters in the end, not how it looks LOL

They even use honey (somehow) to ferment.

There's also different types of Scobys. I want to try the Jun one, but that's only for green tea, so I have to wait to do that.

You can get raw milk delivered. Do you want the sites I have?

I belong to probably close to 500 FB groups on a myriad of topics. I am a learner by nature, & I like asking a lot of questions & unfortunately there's no other place to do this that's easy.

I used to be a forum person & I still am, but there aren't as many forums out there anymore probably b/c FB took over.

Are you on MeWe?

Heavy metal chelation you have to be very careful when doing it. I have to wait until I've had a total scan of my mouth to see if there's any specs of amalgam in there since I had all amalgams in my mouth from age 13 until 2004.

While the dentist took it all out, due to a root canal & one white filling he never removed I need to be 100% sure, otherwise it will cause a whole host of issues if there's even one spec of mercury left in there.

That's what I learned from Andy's FB group.

I have charcoal, but not pills. I put the powder into water. I have it for my mold toxicity.

Every time I feel like I got food poisoning that's what I take.

I stopped taking it every day re mold b/c I was just concerned it was removing too much good flora.

I then bought the coconut one (which interestingly is black, NOT white LOL) b/c a woman said the regular charcoal can have toxins in it.

Never heard of clevers (I don't think.)

Wow, you have a champion & you don't like it? You wrote, "it doesn't extremely good job"

Those are very expensive. I wish I had one of those.

Yeh, I forgot that you should maybe put the pulp thru again. Hmm. I just don't want to clog up the juicer so that it's hard to clean.

People use their pulp to make muffins & breads, but I haven't baked in ages, so I'm just throwing it out & I feel bad when I throw it out too.

I got this juicer 2nd hand from the EU (I can't remember where in EU it's from.)

I'll have to wait on the tofu until I get back stateside.

I used to have slippery elm lozenges, but that's the last time I ever bought/used it & that was YEARS ago.

Ginger I put raw in my salad, but it's from China, unfortunately. I also put it in my juice.

I've heard of Comfrey, but I can't remember what I heard about it.

It's a supplement?

Which brand do you buy?

I'm VERY picky about brands & ALL of the high quality brands that are pure have ALL been bought out by the fucking PHARMA MAFIA or other EVIL COPRS.

It really pisses me off.

I just did a question to a very large FB group & got a few more company names to add to my list, but that's it. We are talking maybe 4 companies that use no fillers & know WTF they are doing when it comes to supplements & I have yet to try them out.

I don't add anything to my herbal tea, I just drink it straight, so I'm not sure I want to add comfrey to a tea. I don't remember if I like Oolong. I know the name, but it's never made it to my list of teas.

I only buy 3... Green matcha (only one brand), Yerba Matte (only one brand) & Kukicha (Eden Foods)

That's probably why I've been feeling a bit better, b/c of the juicing.

Have you heard of this celery juicing?

Some guy has been telling Hollywood to use it & they all swear by it, but I don't know if it's a fad or what.

I hope you enjoy the ebook.

Thanks & have a GREAT day!!!


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