Health benefit of avocados
Good for your heart
The fiber found in avocados are good for your heart.The fiber reduces blood prsssure,balances the cholesterol levels and improves the body's sensitivity to insulin.
Prevents arthritis
The anti-inflammatory properties found in avocados help reduce inflammation which is caused by arthritis.
Some experts even use the extracts from avocados is treating arthritis.
Good for eyesight
The antioxidant carotenoids, which are found in avocados, assist in preventing eye-related dysfunctions which are caused by aging.
Prevents and fights cancer
Avocados have been very effective in fighting protate cancer, oral cancer and leukemia.
Tip for pregnant women
An avocado has 30% of folate which is needed everyday for the growth of a healthy strong spine, skull and brain of the fetus.
Avocado oleic acid enriches breast milk.