10 Symptoms of Eye Tired - Causes and Solutions

in #health7 years ago

Symptoms of the eye tired is due to bad short-term of the activity of light or heavy use of organ eyes excessive. symptoms eyes tired can experienced men and women, old and young along what do just relies on the organ vision and do not include the stretch body interrupted the sidelines activities.


Sources: blog.awalbros.com

symptoms eyes tired

  1. watery eyes and poignant symptoms eyes tired usually begins with eyes aqueous and feel pain that gradually can interfere activity. and if the eye kucek many times it will irritations that can affect the quality of sight distance. when look at objects in the long distances vision will be a double and opaque.

  2. the eyes of heavy and sleepy eyes heavy for bibuka is an indication that the eye muscles experience fatigue, these conditions berpotendsi lead to a person's lost concentration when activity, since there is able to fight drowsiness incredible.

  3. headache eyes suffer fatigue will affect the smooth circulatory to the head. nerve nerve the eyes connected directly on the flow of blood vessels towards the head. symptoms eyes tired of the most serimng cause pain kepalayang repeated and akn cured by itself when eyes have rested moment.

  4. eyes see as melancholic exhausted eye lasting spend a day day can damage the appearance of your face. eyes become fresh because eye color cloudy and lethargic. these conditions can lead to form the eyes of a down and glazed. eyes sayu look not shine and memorable less excited in activity.

  5. eyes opaque eyes tired can cause a view to be not clear in the visibility close. if the continuous happen then network eyes will experience abnormalities. important to rest the eye conditions are tired to eye buran can be addressed.

  6. decrease in the concentration of visual eyes aayang tired will cause the concentration in the visual any be reduced. in a state tired do not impose activity continued as likely to cause the error or error generated from the decrease in the concentration of being attacked.

  7. light-sensitive MTA too tired can increase kesensitivitas cornea eyes to light. eyes will have difficulty clearly see in the room that have the high light. eyestrain can also cause sensitive to the Sun that causes the eyes of a pain.

  8. eye color murky eyes tired can cause color around the eyeball be kruh ie yellowish. eyes does not seem to shine and impressed sluggish and sleepy. eyes murky can lead to the views of the objects much to be a bit fuzzy.

  9. eyes feel dry beware when the production of tears be reduced when eyes didn't get enough break. eyes too tired can make damage to the glands eyes duties memproduksin tears. if the production of tears decreased the eyes will feel dry dam easy teritasi by the inclusion of dust Street or smoke vehicle.

  10. Red eye and itching symptoms eyes tired of the most often attack children who liked the use of the computer is the eyes of a Red and itching. eye on left tired and not trying to rest moment it can lead to the redness and itching around the eyes of the outside and inside. itching can be caused due to attack of free radicals unconscious attacked for many hours caused the dirt brought melalaui wind and open air.

cause of the eye tired

• symptoms eyes tired more serimg due to someone who is driving, read, watch TV and being activity in front of computer screen is too long can cause muscle eyes tense continuous and forcing the retina and corneal eyes to continue to focus capture visual and light on what are we see can lead to the eye be tired.

• lack of sleep or often stay up cause intake oxygen in the blood menfgalami reduction and cause muscle eyes suffer depreciation. this condition can lead to the eye lost kesegaranya and attacked fatigue.

• too long to be in the room less lighting with temperature temperature cold (due to use the air conditioner) so that the network eyes forced to work hard to keep a focus on the object is seen, can lead to the eye be tired. aqueous and poignant.

• too often or many tears can lead to the eye injury and arise irritation because glands are produces tears were forced to issue tears continuously. as a result of swelling around the eyelids unavoidable.

• symptoms eyes tired most occur in kids and adults is the exposure of air pollution notabenya there will always be around US every day. exposed pollution continuously for example in cigarette smoke can lead to the eye color be cloudy, conditions eyes not shine, arising eye irritation and the led eyestrain incredible.

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Sources: solo.tribunnews.com

the best solution

• rest your eyes are tired with sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per day. do not forget previous drink of water for blood circulation around the network eyes want cured fatigue.

• Get cimpress your eyes with tea bag previously soaked in cold water or ice. point to refresh the eyes, remove the muscle eyes infected tension and tired. compress tea can also get rid of trace due to the eye tired of the form of fading black on eye bags.

• exercise the eyes of the form of moving the eyeball slowly towards Kana and left ago upper and lower in the rules count regular. for example, to the right 10 times the left also have to 10 times. long time it takes no limit. because sports eye buffer done as much as we and can be done anywhere as well as on the occasion of anything. sports eyes very powerful to prevent the attack symptoms eyes tired due activity day exhausting day.


If you work on a computer all day long, there is a useful rule called: 20-20-20 : every 20 minutes, look at the natural light (not a computer screen) something at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds.

Yeah that is gratefull information to us, and especially to me. Thanks a lot bro

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