Bajai Body Camp 10.0: Day 282
Bajai Body Camp 10.0: Day 282
Thursday March 15, 2018
The Ides of March
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida
1.544% tea-toxed
Caffeine is a diuretic and it's certainly had that effect on us over night. We... the Bod and I, are up multiple times to tea-tox. Strange thing was, I wasn't sleepy. But I think I went straight back to sleep.
There was a Bizarro Dream about waiting for a bus, in a car. It was the 43... a "seven" number. In Philly and Miami the 42 route is significant to me.
When we saw the bus we were to get out of the car and get on the bus. That didn't happen. We chased the bus down in the car, but never caught it.
We, (the ex who invades my dreams) ended up in the apartment of someone I know... a female friend. She's not there, however my ex has the key to this woman's apartment. I didn't know they knew each other. I'd never been in this apartment. Our "mutual acquaintance" was on her way, and I wanted to leave. Instead I woke up.
This dream was based on real life occurrences.
But on to the day. Burpees are on my mind. Maybe I'll tear myself away to run, or maybe I'll go back to bed. Those interruptions last night may be affecting me. Let's see what happens.
13 burpees and floor exercise, not in that order. I must get outside today... just to get out. I'm still reconciling this new lifestyle. I'm in my second year of it and I must begin to force myself to get out and interact. Maybe spread out my errands so I'll have something to do day to day.
It's 11:11... my wish is made. Same as usual. I may need some meditation time before I head out.

Made the walk and felt the way I feel when I don't run for a while. Bod is craving a run. Will I comply? Sometimes it's not my choice.
Pbutter, tmix and honey after the walk. Just realized I've only had one cuppa tea so far. Maybe Bod is duly caffeinated today. Maybe that's the feeling. And speaking of feeling... I feel flabby down the bottom. Ugh!!
Pool time. Then I'll do the work....or maybe I'll work at 20:00.
Pool calisthenics... about 100 reps of everything. Took about an hour maybe. The water was cold too. I'll take the cold therapy. Good sun therapy too. I just want to sit around and soak up sun for a minute. I don't look as fat as I feel. I told myself I'd start lifting weights again in four years... my platinum year.
Dinner was amazing! It's an omelette pizza pie, with orange peppers, avocado, cottage cheese, mushrooms, onions, cilantro.. super energized!!!
Jupiter came along soon after the energy boost. I had another cuppa tea and went to the gym. Spent twenty minutes warming up on the elliptical then did the work mostly of shrugs in different directions and grips. Also working through this right shoulder. I've got the goods so I'll rub it down afterwards.
I think the two days of late nights caught up with me. Energy level was down most of the day. Appetite seems bigger and I feel and look (to me) flabbier. The scale still says 190... it could be off, however I am proceeding as if it's right and I've gained almost 15lbs since I've been back in Florida.
Aminos and probably tea next. Who knows what tomorrow. I did kind of push it today with pool and gym. Oh, I'll be paying tomorrow for the neck work.