Ozone Treatment For Lyme Disease Update & Initial Feedback: 9 Days In We Know A Little More...

in #health7 years ago (edited)


8 days ago I posted about my wife commencing ozone therapy for her Lyme disease. I thought it would be good timing now to provide some initial comments after the first dose.

First the bad

The treatment was painful and, from what the nurse had to say about the typical patient reaction, more painful than the normal case. The most common outcome is fatigue rather than pain. The pain was local to the arm being injected and spread to that shoulder also. It didn't subside after the treatment either, growing stonger into what became a sleepless night for us both. The sensation was like a crush injury and it took a number of pain killers, heat packs, alcohol and sleeping pills (the only tools at our disposal for unbearable pain) to get on top if it enough to doze.

The limb became unusable for a number of days. Limp. That made every day tasks difficult as is understandable. After a few days this started to subside but not fully recover.

Now the not so bad

Note that I didn't say good. I know there's only been one done done so far with the next treatment booked in for next week. The schedule was originally to be for weekly treatment but the pain was so bad that this couldn't be doubled up on. I also think the other arm will need to be used next time just incidentally...

Anyway, I reckon that there's been an increase in activity level. I'm well accustomed to how my wife makes it through each day and I don't think I'm trying to find good in nothing when I say that she's doing things a little more energetically. At least I hope that's the case, it's subjective so it's error prone to asses.

I've noticed also a reduction in the frequency of headaches. Again, this is a qualitative assessment of my general understanding of how badly and how frequently they'd hit her previously.

We've also noticed an increase in thirst and water consumption which can't be a bad thing surely.

It's really early days but I'm happy to say that there's some evidence that the treatment has potential. We will know more the more ozone sessions that she has & I'll keep Steemit informed.

Thanks for your interest!



Thanks for sharing! I had several tick bytes and everyone tryied to scare me with the Lyme dissease... Good luck for your wife, I hope this works!

Such amazing support here on Steemit. One of the things I love about this platform. Thanks @metabs. I'm surprised you were teased with the idea of Lyme. For something the medical profession largely pretends doesn't exist, a lot of people seem versed with it! Take care.

Thank you for sharing :)

I hope to her health and healing =)

i wish her quick recovery, Health is wealth

It is indeed @gossipmill. We try to build out up but it's been a challenge! Thank you for your support

i wish her quick recovery,

Lovely thought @abdo22. Unfortunately it won't be quick but hopefully we get there!

Thanks for sharing this new to me treatment. All the best to you.

My pleasure @team101 thank you.

Sorry to hear that man. Good luck to you both. I had no knowledge about ozone treatment.

Neither did we until this awful condition introduced us to it! Thanks for your well wishes man. Greatly appreciated.

Yikes! Hope it goes better the next time. Good luck!

Cheers bud. Appreciate it. Will let you know. Fingers crossed!

All the best for your wife! I appreciate you sharing information on this type of treatment. I have been interested in ozone since I saw an interview with a Doctor in the US that specialises in it.

Thanks kindly @apsistrading. So are you interested in the treatment for yourself?

I have heard that it is really good for super charging immunity. I have sick family members who struggle with health conditions that have removed them from the workforce. I really want to avoid being in a similar situation for myself especially since they depend on me for help.

It's certainly not to be taken lightly. This "cold" I referenced has gone nuclear and I suspect it's a bad herxheimer reaction. She's been bed ridden, immobile and unable to drink water. Trying to hydrate with sachets! It's bad.

Thanks for sharing as I know a friend who will be having this treatment soon so for me its good to know a bit about it, I hope the next treatment is less painful for your wife and that it does its job and she sees good improvement

Thank you very much @tattoodjay. That's a lovely and appreciated sentiment and best wishes for your friend too. Would be good to compare notes to learn what's common!

👍 it's my friends wife that is having the treatment he works in another building so I only bump into him occasionally and he doesn't always open up but for sure I can share what I hear from him

Again wishing your wife the best and sending positive thoughts

Thank you again. Our next treatment is tomorrow and we are really hoping to avoid the arm crushing pain this time. Will keep you informed and yes would love to hear more from your wife's friend.

Hoping this treatment hoes a lot better for your wife
Sending positive energy her way

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