Accelerated ageing is brought on by smoking cigarettes

in #health2 years ago

Smoking has clear visible consequences that alert smokers to the underlying harm occurring years before it becomes apparent. The accelerated aging effect of smoking will be brought to the smoker's attention in this article. Every time smoker looks in the mirror, they can see this. The changes a smoker notices on the outside are a mirror of their internal health!

One of the pernicious aspects of smoking is that, despite the fact that each cigarette causes harm, the major health impacts take a long time for the smoker to perceive. Serious health damage has already been done by the time the smoker becomes aware of their health problems, the harm that could have been averted if they had quit smoking years earlier.

The good news is that smoking has evident exterior symptoms that warn smokers of the inside harm they are causing years in advance. The issue is that the smoker is unaware that smoking is responsible for these outward changes. The accelerated aging effect of smoking will be brought to the smoker's attention in this article. Every time smoker looks in the mirror, they can see this. What is occurring inside the smoker's body is reflected in the changes they observe on the outside!

Smoking Gives You a False Sense of Security

Young smokers are persons who don't think that smoking cigarette poses a severe risk to their health. These young smokers believe they are somehow immune to the ill effects of smoking since they exercise, play sports, and go about their daily lives without any evident consequences. Sadly, this is untrue.

The really serious diseases linked to cigarette smoking typically require more than 30 years of smoking to develop. Twenty years from now is a long time for a 25-year-old who has been a smoker for ten years.

However, those ten years of smoking have already had an impact. Young smokers would realize they are impacted if they quit denying the physical effects cigarettes cause. Every time they glanced in the mirror, if they knew what they were looking at, they would notice the results of smoking cigarettes!

Do you appear older than your actual age?

Ironically, wanting to look older is one of the reasons 12 to 15-year-olds start smoking. They don't understand that smoking will actually accelerate their aging process, making them look and feel older when they start at such a young age.

I've always been captivated by old photographs as a photographer and history student. I am appreciative of all the photographers who came before me who invested the time to capture memories of commonplace locations and individuals that are now extinct—the ordinary life that the majority of us take for granted. We can experience a different time aesthetically because of its preservation.

When looking at photographs from the 1920s through the 1970s, I found that the people appeared to be very ancient. It's astonishing to learn that a man you see in a picture and assume is 55 years old is actually only 23.

What causes such a large disparity between appearance and age? using cigarettes! According to research, it hastens aging. Images from a time when 44% of people smoked cigarettes make this phenomenon quite evident.

Smoking Causes Aging to Be Accelerated

Our skin serves as the canvas on which our overall health is depicted. A person who smokes appears significantly older. A person's aging process speeds up the longer they smoke. According to research, smoking not only hastens the development of wrinkles on the face but also on other parts of the body, such as the inner arm. Ladies, look at your smoking arms.

An extremely unpleasant and ugly skin condition called psoriasis can develop as a result of smoking. The more daily cigarette used over a pack, the higher the risk of acquiring this painful skin condition, which includes burning and itching. Other than the smell, which is covered in another article, you can always tell whether someone smokes since their skin has a discolored tone and wrinkles.

Look through photos of well-known smokers to get a good idea of how smoking accelerates aging. The late President Franklin D. Roosevelt is among the most eloquent instances. Numerous pictures of him smoking are available, and he was well-known for his cigarette holder. At the age of 63, he passed away from a stroke, a condition linked to long-term smoking. Take a look at the photos taken of him in his later years. He appears to be more like 93 than 63.

There is a tone of instances in vintage pictures from the time when 44% of people smoked. See how old you think the person is in the photo, then check to see how old they actually were when the photo was taken. Smoking ages you.

Are cigarettes to blame for male pattern baldness?

Even your hairstylist won't be able to say for sure! People are often shocked to learn that smoking has a variety of negative effects on their hair.

Do you notice that your grey hair is starting to appear after smoking for ten or more years? Because smoking increases the risk of premature graying by three to six times compared to non-smoking, most smokers do. Guys who smoke are twice as likely to go bald than men who do not smoke, which has an impact on hair as well. Is this only applicable to men? Or is this a factor in the hair loss experienced by older women who smoke?

What Effect Does Smoking Have on the Mouth?

Obviously, the mouth is where that noxious, filthy cigarette smoke enters the lungs. Smoking will always darken your teeth, making you appear older than you actually are.

Of course, there is also the offensive "cigarette" breath. Smoking not only causes bad breath but also greatly increases your chance of gum disease and oral cancer, among other dental issues.

Another sign of aging issues with the teeth and gums. However, smokers experience this early in their lives.

Does Smoking Really Reduce Life Expectancy?

Simply put, YES! The smoker actually IS older, according to a study, in addition to making them appear older.

Men who never smoked lived an average of 10 years longer than their smoking counterparts, according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Smoking does, in fact, shorten your life. The non-smokers also lived longer and with a higher quality of life.


You don't have to wait more than 30 years to notice how smoking is affecting your body. If you've smoked for ten years or longer, you can already see the results in the mirror!

The visible symptoms of internal harm induced by smoking include facial lines, grey hair, and even early baldness. You need to reevaluate your assumptions if you believe that aging alone is the cause of the exterior body changes. These visible symptoms go beyond simple aesthetic problems. They serve as a physical reminder of the harm that smoking cigarettes are doing to your body on the inside. Your body can start to heal itself as soon as cigarettes are eliminated from your life. Don't put off paying attention to these crucial indications until it is too late; do so now!

Dear Hopeless and “Nicotine Addicted” Friend: If you’re a smoker, this will be the most important message you’ll ever read! >>>


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