How my High Blood Pressure Varnished!

in #health7 years ago

I used to getting upset, angry, furious etc on many of my encounters with people, be it on the road, in the house, at work place, school, gatherings among others. My BP (blood Pressure) was overwhelmingly increasing every pass in day. I could not figure out what was wrong with me and my condition as well.

One day, a friend introduced a certain book to me to read. Guess what book it was! I started reading this book and one thing that stuck in my mind was the concept of being consciousness of our feelings and needs as well as other people's feelings and their needs. In short, showing empathy was the remedy to reducing the negative feelings about other people.

For instance, I used to feel annoyed in traffic seeing someone driving slowly. But now, do you know how I feel on the road? Now, I try to put myself in that person's situation. He or she could be lost, and might need a little patient from other drives so that he or she can find the way back again. With this attitude, I sense a lot of improvement as I don't get annoyed so quickly........ to be continued



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