8 Best Foods to Eat for Weight Loss

in #health4 years ago

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In today’s fast-paced life, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet plan could be one of the wisest decisions you ever make. Eating healthy and nutritious food will not only help you shed a few kilos but also cut down your expense on future health costs. While no food can help you lose weight overnight, incorporating certain foods in your weight loss diet will help you reach your weight loss goals quicker.

Try to avoid fried, junk and sweetened food as they are high in calories and may slow down your weight loss process. Instead, start having steamed, baked or grilled food in the right portion as it is the key to stay healthy and in perfect shape.

Including some of these foods in your everyday diet will help you to avert the chances of weight gain


Oats are a very popular breakfast staple and a powerhouse of nutrients. It is high in satiating fiber and promotes weight loss, lowers the risk of heart disease and cancer. Fiber-rich foods help control your appetite and make losing inches easier. It is a whole grain food and aids in weight loss by reducing the intake of calories. You can prepare a variety of mouthwatering dishes with oats such as oats uttapam, oats porridge or oats khichdi. Add some veggies and nuts for optimal health benefits.

Beans & legumes

The high fiber content in beans boosts satiety and staves off hunger for a longer period of time. Several studies have shown, consumption of beans and legumes helps in reducing LDL cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease. Legumes such as kidney beans and black beans are packed with protein, therefore ideal for someone trying to reduce weight.

Leafy Greens

Including leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, chard, kale etc. in your weight loss diet will help you get rid of the pesky belly fat that refuses to leave the body. They are rich in minerals and vitamins and helps to increase your metabolism, as a result, burn excess body fat. According to a recent study, spinach contains thylakoids which could help speed up the weight loss process.


Avocado is a fruit that is loaded with a wide variety of nutrients like dietary fiber, potassium, monounsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. The high potassium content helps to regulate the blood pressure thereby lowering the risk of heart attacks and kidney failure. Many studies have shown that fiber boosts satiety and keeps your cravings under control. Avocados are low on carbs and could easily fit into your everyday diets. Just spread it on sandwiches or add it to your salad to ease out your slimming process.


If you think that diet food is boring and tasteless, then you should definitely try out broccoli. Apart from being extremely delicious, it works magically for weight loss. It is rich in anti-oxidant, which helps to reduce cholesterol and promote heart and bone health. Being a low-calorie food and high source of dietary fiber it has all the makings of a healthy and filling meal.


Cucumbers are very low in calories and a key item in your weight loss diet. It has zero fat and helps to stimulate weight loss. Cucumber contains a small quantity of sugar which is good for the overall health of the body. It is affordable, flavorful and hydrating and could make a healthy and nutrient-dense snack. You could have it as a salad or in between your meals to deal with hunger pangs.


Eggs can boost weight loss when taken in the right way. Abundant in protein, Vitamin D, chlorine and other nutrients, eggs help to increase the metabolism rate of the body. Eating eggs in your breakfast will curb the intake of extra calories and help you lose weight fast. A protein-rich breakfast reduces food cravings, keeping us full until lunchtime.


Almonds contain omega9, omeha6 and omega 3 that helps to reduce weight. Unlike junk food which contains saturated fats leading to various cardiovascular diseases, almonds are full of unsaturated fats that help stabilize our blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol. Almond skin is a good source of dietary fiber and helps in proper digestion of food. If your food is not properly digested it may lead to bloating. Thus, to get the best results, have a handful of them every day with the skin intact. You can have it as a snack food or include it in oats and cereals to enhance its nutritional value.

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