I’m on a diet

in #health6 years ago

I’ve worked out this week. Here’s what I did. Still have to cut out beer and Junk food though

18 minutes yoga x
10 minutes elliptical
3/8 mile on track (5min?)
7 min treadmill cardio
1/8 mile on track

10 minutes eflliptical cardio

Pull up machine 130 16x/ 120 6x / chin-ups- don’t remember but a set
Bench press 65 x 16/ 95 x 12/ 115x 12/ 95 x 12/ 65 x 10 with five leg lifts
Standing shoulder press 15lb dumbbells x 12/ 20lbs x 9/ 15lbs x 5
Chin-up machine 150lbs x16 (too light)
Should fly dumbbell 15lbs. X 12/ 20 x 4/ 15 x 8/
Bicep curl dumbbell 20 lbs x 7

Elliptical cardio L3 11min +3min cool down 168 calories

10 minutes elliptical 130cal
Track 5/8 mile in 5:30
Row machine 9:30 2000 meters
, ok..lol 103 cal

Elliptical 10min 131cal sweating already my body is learning
Bench press 85;bs x 12/ 95 x 12/ 115 x 9/ 95 x 12 with leg lifts
Standing shoulder press 15 x 12/ 20 x12/
Latt machine 120 x 12/ 100 x 6/ 110 x 6
Shoulder fly 15 x 12
Chin up 110 x 9
Shoulder fly 20 x6 and 15 x 10
CHIN UP PERP 130 x 9
L.fl:’c .o
Standing curl 20 x 5/ 15 x6

Elliptical 10 min hr143 10:30 130cal
Bench press 95lbs x12/ 115x12/ 125 x 10/ 95 x 12
Latt pull-up 120 x 12/ 110 x 12/
Standing shoulder 20x 12/ 25 x 12/ 30 x 4 and 20 x 4
Chin up 130 x 12/
Shoulder fly 15 x 12
Chin up 110 x10
Shoulder fly 20 x 12ll
Chin up perp 130x 12
Standing curl 25x 5 and 20x5 15x4
.treadmill .75 miles 10:45 min 69 cal

193.7lbs... going in the wrong freaking looodirection!
Elliptical 15 min fat burn 161 calo
Treadmill 15:30 1.13 miles 103 call
193.7lbs! Still! That’s why I came today even though I thought about day off
Elliptical 15 min fat burn target hr 116 161cal
Bench press 95x12/ 125x12/135x10/115x12 best yet
Lat pull-up 110x12
Stand shlder press 25x 12/
lat pull-up 100x 12/
Stud shldr press 30x 12
Lat pull-up 90 x 6
Stand shoulderpress 30 x 9
Treadmill .75 miles 114 cal 10:03
Home now and feel better than before workout-anxiety was high and was feeling drained. Almost over did it on treadmill, could feel my calf muscle in bad way, and my right pec is warning me not to even look its way for 48 hours.
9minutes yoga x later at 630. I ate too much today and drank the last fifth of the fifth of whiskey.

8/29 193.3 lbs .4 lbs less
Elliptical cardio 10 min 118 cal, 145 hr
Treadmill 10 min and 3min cool down speed 4.5 incline 2 cal 164
Arc trainer 10 min resistance 2distance .About

8/30 193.3lbs

Elliptical 5 min .42 miles 59 cal
Lat pull-up 100 x 12
Bench 95 x 12
Standing shoulder press 25 x 12
Lat pull-up 90 x 12
Bench 125 x 12
SSP 30 x 12
Lat pullup 80 x 8
Bench 135 x 12
SSP 35x 4.5
Lat pull-up 90x 9
Push ups 17
SSP 25 x 7
Chin-up 110 x 6
Standing dumbbell curl 25 x 4 too much back muscles were engaging in bad way.
Arc trainer incline 6 resistance 28 minutes 5 cal 51


Never gonna read this but keep it up!

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