Benefits of garlic for health

The rainy season has arrived, colds are one of the most common diseases. To feel the benefits you just puree four cloves of garlic and then add 450 grams of honey. consume one tablespoon of honey that has been mixed with garlic three times a day.Uric acid
Gout is a common disease suffered by the people of the country. For those of you who are reluctant to take chemical drugs, garlic can be a solution to treat gout because garlic contains antioxidants that can control the production of purines in the body.Lowering high blood pressure
Garlic contains potassium which is useful in controlling blood pressure in the body.Vaginal discharge
Every woman must feel uncomfortable when experiencing vaginal discharge. Just so you know, vaginal discharge is caused by fungi and bacteria.
To treat vaginal discharge with garlic is quite easy. You simply eat a maximum of three cloves of raw garlic every day.Lowers cholesterol levels
Garlic contains allicin which is useful in shedding cholesterol and fat in the body.
Besides being able to lower cholesterol, garlic can also lose weight.Reducing the symptoms of diabetes mellitus
Garlic contains antioxidants that play a role in controlling blood sugar levels.
For those of you with diabetes mellitus, aka diabetes, garlic can reduce the symptoms of your disease.
To feel the benefits you simply eat raw garlic a maximum of three cloves every day.Nosebleeds
To feel the benefits, you just need to finely mash five cloves of garlic. Then you put it on the sole of the foot opposite the nostril that bleeds.Dysentery
Garlic is also effective in treating dysentery. You simply mash 10 cloves of garlic that has been peeled. Then you soak the crushed garlic in three cups of warm water for six hours.
After that, you divide into three equally and drink three times a day.
Hopefully the article from me @misbahuljannah can be useful for all of you Thank you !!!

Good information
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