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RE: Vaccination & Corruption - A Steemit Survey!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Gosh I missed it!!! 😞...Let me congratulate you on this successful Event and Survey. I would like to have a Comment but as the event is closed I prefer to write it here( with your permission). I suppose there should have been 4th option in the survey, Pro-Vaccination but Generic Vaccines.
The Vaccination is very important for the well being of a child in long run. It provides a circle of Protection around Child from various deadly diseases and some Other disorders which tend to disintegrate our body parts like Limbs(Polio).
I would like to respond to the quote of a parent @canadian-coconut ...With Regards, This quote would have been suitable if written some 1 or 2 centuries ago. But right now there are so many viruses, harmful organisms right at the bottom of our nose that we have to take Vaccination as our only hope against them...Bitter Truth( I wish there was a way around). "You don't need to light up your child to get warmth but keep in close proximity of fire to protect your child from the Deadly horrors of Winter and whatever comes with it."
I would like to address some Vaccination fears here which they(Anti-Vaccine Voters) might have heard and so have thought against Vaccination. Vaccines contains Antibodies in the form of Immunoglobulins(Ig) but sometimes do contain merely a part of virus like a strain or full virus BUT IN ITS INACTIVE FORM i.e, EITHER DEAD OR NOT ABLE TO REPLICATE(GROW). This Dead Virus will activates the innate immunity of the body which considers this virus as foreign body and and destroys it while creating memory cells against it. These memory cells have a different life span...some have 6 months while some have full lifespan of human. That is the reason we need booster shots after 6 months. So when this virus(live one) again comes into the body, memory cell identifies it and renders the body defenses to become Alert and thus defeating the virus(most of the time).
Coming to the point, Vaccination is important for the prevention of certian diseases and disorders. Although, if a country is 100% free from virus, it always carries a threat from visitors from tourists travelling to its nation and there is no question of Vaccinating tourists which is disastrous for Tourist Company of nation. So it is better to be on precautionary side.
Now coming to the corruption of big gaint pharma companies with the Govt. There are always Some Companies which not only looks at the benefit of its company product but also keeps in mind the gain of general masses. However, the number is very small. It is the Govt. (agree with you) that is responsible for bringing those companies on board which are not aimed at the public benefits. But tend to deepen their own pockets. That is the Thing we have to change although it requires the system to change...Not so Easy job.
But there is no point of going against Vaccination which primarily was aimed at general public's benefit. However, it is need of hour to look for the Corrupt pharma Companies which i am afraid is major portion of Pharma Companies now a days and have a proper channelized agitation against them.

Thanks for being a patient reader.


Thank you for your lengthy and passionate reply! I appreciate it!

The survey I made was just an informal one based on the responses to my previous post. It is in no way official.

Fundamentally I am in favour of freedom of choice. If our actions are dictated by the Government then we live in a dictatorship. Most people want the best for their children and communities... With improved education we can make informed choices together.

Let liberation through decentralization be the cry! =)

Thanks again for taking the time to write such a lengthy comment!


Cheers! =)

Did you read all of it?...i believe thx fr upvote

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