RE: Our journey with a neck injury Pt. 4 - The reality of head/neck injuries
Thank you for the info! Sorry for the delay in my response. I've had a rough couple of weeks where it's difficult for me to sit up, unsupported; so, I've greatly limited my computer time.
You mentioned you had a messed up shoulder from the concussion. I'd really like to know more about that if you don't mind. The reason is I'm actually having trouble with my shoulder as of late, as well. I actually just had an MRI on it yesterday. My initial injury was in December 2014, but I didn't have noticeable shoulder pains until last summer; however, it's within the realm of possibility I've had shoulder issues the whole time, or sustained them at the time of the initial injury. It's something I likely won't be able to get concrete answers on, but something that's become a big issue in my recovery because using my right arm/shoulder makes my migraines get worse in a hurry. I was wondering what your experience with your shoulder was.
I'm so sorry to hear that! It was a constant battle for me too ... some days were okay, others were horrible. And it was so hard to explain it to anyone because on the outside I looked "fine." I had terrible stomach pain (probably from stress) and when the doctors couldn't diagnose it, I spent days in bed. But I think that was more from the depression, which was really the hardest battle of all.
From what I've been told, I hit the left side of my forehead (on another football player's shoulder) and then fell straight back. I blacked-out so I don't remember. I got whiplash from the back of my head hitting the ground and bouncing back up (no helmet because it was just flag football). As my body tried to compensate for the pain in the left side of my head, my right shoulder started to take the strain. The muscle between my neck and my shoulder just got tighter and tighter. That was one area the massage therapist had to focus on ... of course by the time I saw her, I was a mess and it took a lot of time to get "untangled" (at least that's how it felt).
My migraines also got worse as my shoulder tightened because, from what I understand, the muscle contracting blocks the spinal fluid.
With the pain in my right shoulder, my left hip started taking the strain. Basically, there was a zigzag effect. I felt like the more time went on, the more pain I noticed. To some extent, I think that because there was so much pain at the beginning, my mind wasn't aware of all of it (sort of like coping with trauma). There was also the build-up of pain after trying to live with it (or ignore it) for so long.
I am really thankful for my massage therapist. She taught me how to "listen" to my body (watch for warning signs, track triggers, etc.) and take better care of myself. Looking back, I was in so much pain, I was just trying to get through each day. But over time, I was able to implement what she was telling me.
I hope that is helpful! Please feel free to ask more questions. And no rush ... I understand that you have to take it one day at a time! :)