Dermatology News says: "When patients decline, it’s game on."

in #health7 years ago

I REALLY like for the general public to know the kind of "education" physicians are receiving through professional publications. This one is a prime example of why you should know the facts about what your doctor is trying to push on you, and the kind of garbage they are being presented with that is driving YOUR healthcare.

In Dermatology News, October 17, 2017 publication, Dr. Jeffrey Benabio wrote a particularly disgusting article entitled Flu Shots and Persuasion. He is discussing that at Kaiser Permanente EVERY department participates in attempting to vaccinate as many patients with the flu shot as possible. He claims most patients say yes. He then goes on to say:

“When patients decline, it's game on.”

Can we just pause here for a moment? That statement RIGHT THERE should be enough for you to RUN. Run as far away from this doctor, this company, and anyone who reads this drivel seriously as fast as humanly possible. I don't know about you, but it is NOT EVER "GAME ON" when it comes to ME making healthcare decisions about MY OWN BODY. EVER! This is NOT a game. This is my body, my decision, my autonomy as a patient. (Wait... this sounds familiar doesn't it? What would happen if a doctor published that statement surrounding the abortion issue? What would happen THEN? Why is it SO ok for me to abort my own baby, but NOT ok for me to decide what is and is not injected in to my own body??)

While remembering there are literally ZERO facts about the flu shot, it's efficacy, or safety anywhere in this article, let's discuss the "tricks of persuasion" this doctor says he honed while completing his MBA shall we?

  1. "The everyone is doing it technique". That's right. Peer pressure. Put up a display about how many flu shots you've given so far. Don't pay attention to the fact that flu shot uptake is at an all time low or that you aren't putting out there that you've seen 5,000 patients in the last week and only 1,000 of them said yes to the shot. Just put a high number out there without reference for them to be persuaded by!

  2. "The this is who you are technique": This is the section that had me laughing so hard I snorted with this quote: “Being a vegan, you are clearly someone who takes care of her health. Getting the vaccine is similar to choosing to eat plants. It’s what healthy people like you do.” Never mind that if you REALLY believe in veganism for the sake of the animals, you would NEVER get a vaccine because they basically all involve animal tissues and experimentation on animals. Hmmmm.. that one was a conundrum to me Dr. Benabio!!

  3. "The well that's not like you technique": In this one he discusses soft starting to not upset the patient, and then point out how they are inconsistent in their decision making, like it's not ok for a patient to decide that one shot might be worth the risk, but the flu shot might not. Basically, remind them that they are just the patient and too stupid to make their own decisions. Foster cognitive dissonance on purpose is his advice! Because a thinking patient is just an annoyance!

  4. "The emotional decision approach": Make the decision seem real! Tell them a story about people dying left and right from the flu that were unvaccinated whether it is true or not!!! So the saying is told in my house- any health decision made out of fear is going to be the wrong decision. This article reiterates why that statement is SO true. This is just plain bullying and lying!

  5. "The use your authority approach": Ah yes! Doctors are GREAT at this. When all else fails, make sure you whip your wiener out and slap it around for everyone to see! Get stern, yell a little, belittle, become "big papa", and just MAKE them do it because paternalistic medicine is how we roll in this country! This section also bring me to my second favorite quote of the article:

"There’s a reason why tobacco companies once used doctors in white coats to sell cigarettes – we can be quite persuasive."

Just because they were SO TOTALLY WRONG about the safety of cigarettes, there is literally ZERO REASON for you to be concerned that they might be wrong about the flu shot too. Zero. None. Just listen, do what they say, and move about your day. Okay?? I mean, anyone reading this article should feel SUPER comfortable that their doctor actually read some STUDIES about the flu vaccine before recommending it for their patients, right?

If you haven't read any studies or actual facts about the flu and flu shot, this is a good place to start.

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