Laser can regenerate damaged teethsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Beams of the low-power laser can regenerate the damaged teeth.
and eliminate the need for replacing them.
the laser induces human dental stem cells to form dentin.
dentin is a tissue harder than bone and forms the major portion of the tooth is located above an area called dental pulp.
a low -dose of laser focused on this area induces stem cells to regenerate dentin.
the laser actives a special protein called TGF-B1.
TGF-B1:is a growth factor that regulates cell growth and differentiation.
the new approach could one day replace the root canal treatment which is the very painful producer
it involves removal of tooth's nerve blood vessels .
researchers hope to test laser treatment in humans in near of future.
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hello my friend how are you i made nice post about treatment of damaged teeth maybe it would be nice for you thankssssssss for your support @triplej

Interesting 🙂

thanks my friend for see my post and thanks for your support i made new post about my job if you like please check thanks my friend

What way is it ,, is it to kill germs?

where in the mouth or in the kitchen hahahaha?????????thanks for comment

You know steemit is getting successful when there's genuinely interesting posts being made :P Always make sure to post your source so people know it isn't bullshit.

This is some straight up magic that has been explained through science.

This is amazing technology! I did some digging and found this article with more info on the topic: "Forget the dentist’s drill, use lasers to heal teeth" -

This would change everything even the fear of going to the dentist! resteemed and upvoted!

Pretty cool. Upvote and Resteem for you. Cheers.

thanks for resstemed be happy

Be popular on steemit

That is really innovative technology for those who love sweets :) Upvoted and resteemed

thankssssssss for reestemed my post my friend

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