WARNING! Do Not Go To The Doctor

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Going to the doctor will seriously undermine your health. The best thing you can earn from medical care is a slow and devitalizing poison and at worst an abrupt death. The bulk of medical school training consists of memorizing what medications correspond to apparent symptoms. The average medical student receives less than 20 hours of nutrition education in over 4 years of schooling. In the past some medical schools accorded only a single course in nutrition.

In other words, people in healthcare don't know jacksh*t about food and nutrition. Meanwhile your diet, and your diet before all else, is the key to health.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” ~Proverb

"Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!" ~Bernard Jensen

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." ~ Ann Wigmore

“Man is What He Eats” ~Lucretius

I come from a German family and my parent's diet consists mainly of deli meats, sausages, cheeses, butter, potatoes, breads and sugars.

My father used to tell me that no man of our bloodline has breached the age of 60 years. My grand-father died at the age of 56 from stomach cancer. My father had bladder cancer, a plethora of emergency visits to the hospital. One harrowing near-death scene was a case of Pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart). High blood pressure, high cholesterol, you name it!

My father lost the function of his kidneys over 10 years ago. I gave him one of mine and that went alright for awhile but eventually ceased to function. He is now on dialysis and thankfully has breached the 60 year age resistance line for the men in my family tree.

More on that story in a previous post of mine.

One of the worst parts about all this was that my father's doctor actively fought against the advice I was giving him about what foods to eat and avoid. They said that my suggestions were dangerous and that he should stick to the conventional food pyramid or that he might die. Damn fools, actually they are worse than fools; I would call them sellout wretches.


I don't think I can ever forgive the healthcare industry. What they've done and continue to do is shameful and reprehensible. 1 out of every 370 people admitted to a hospital dies due to medical errors. In the U.S 100,000 people die every year due to medical errors. But by far the largest number of hospitalizations and deaths occur from drugs that are prescribed "properly" by physicians and taken as directed. About 2,460 people per week die from drugs that were "properly" prescribed. That is over 128,000 a year! Totaling 228,000 healthcare related deaths in the U.S alone; imagine worldwide!

Stay the hell away from these assassins. I would only rely on them for emergency physical trauma injuries alone, serious flesh wounds, broken bones, etc, other than that they are an international scourge.


My mother went in to the hospital a couple of years ago because of shortness of breath. The doctors recommended emergency bypass surgery immediately. I was working nights back then and didn't get in touch with them quickly enough to stop it. My mother and father agreed and the surgery was performed; resulting in a stroke and permanent brain damage. My mother can barely read and use a computer now. Isn't that great? She still has shortness of breath though so that's a relief. The healthcare system now has both my parents on a leash with all the medications they are told to take.

I have a sister also. She went to the doctor because she had bad acne and was prescribed Accutane, a powerful drug treatment for acne. Eating a healthier diet was just too dangerous I suppose. Accutane has been linked to an increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Sure enough a couple of years later the acne cleared but my sister spent many sorrowful months with a crippling depression. The doctors have her on other medications for that now.

Visiting a doctor is very much like going to a cheating car mechanic who breaks something else in the engine in order for you to come back for more "repair" work later on.

My girlfriend had a female friend that went for a supposed routine surgery that involved scraping out her uterus of an alleged cancer growth. She died of blood loss in surgery. She was only in her forties, leaving behind her grieving widower to live out his desolate life alone. He was much older than her and in his seventies at the time.

These are just the personal stories that I've been exposed to. I am certain that anyone reading this has their own share of intimate experiences.

Yearly physicals are an utter waste of time and money. You don't need them. If you have the flu or something just chill out, rest and drink some water. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and fresh herbs. Go see a homeopathic or holistic specialist if you need to. Get some sunlight and fresh air for God's sake.

It is instinctive for most animals to hide and seek solitude when they get sick or when injured. They hide, fast and wait. That is probably the best thing humans can do too. Much better than risking an even greater catastrophe by paying a trip to your family doctor to prostrate yourself at their feet and kneel at the altar of death.


*If you are a medical person or working inside the system; I wholeheartedly acknowledge the challenges you face. I hope and encourage you to do your part in bringing compassion, common sense, wisdom and sanity to your profession.
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To me the greatest motivator to NOT go to a doctor in this country is that the system runs on the profit motive. And that means that $$$ is a major reason why people go into medicine. I would rather be treated by a witch doctor with a rattle who actually cares about me and gives me his undivided attention and best efforts than an indifferent doctor who spends 6 minutes with me after I wait 2 hours, feels my forehead, scribbles a prescription, and looks at his watch before wandering away . . .

Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

Thanks and well said @eulalio. LoL at that rattling witch doctor image :) That's the thing... It's big business and they are making a killing. The medical staff are usually cut off from affection and don't know you, they haven't traced the peaks and valleys of your life and in most case they honestly just don't care after awhile.

I don't come out and say it as strongly as you do here to most people because I'm afraid to, but I feel exactly as you do. Medical doctor if I fall out of a tree or something, but I would never go to one otherwise. I'll tell you what, I don't even believe in the paradigm of diagnosis. It scares me to type that. People will think I'm crazy, as they believe medicine and disease are literally fact. But they're not. People take these things that happen to people and then assign a label to it, and it becomes a whole very complex paradigm that people ascribe their whole entire lives to. It's destructive as hell. My head isn't right right here, this area of my body isn't acting right - this is the way to go about it. We just need to restore and heal. Just being diagnosed with a disease kills. It is completely destructive.

You said food is the root. I'm going to say that I think emotion, trauma, belief, energy is the root. Blocked energy. Repressed emotions. When our heart has problems it's because it's not getting the energy it needs. When flow is open there and it's not repressed and blocked off, then you can get the signal of it asking for a specific food, for you to quit drinking, etc. I want to share with you the post I wrote called You Are Your Own Healer. You Can Heal Anything.

I think you're right about the perils of labeling some blobby development of symptoms with a definitive name, spelling it out and sealing it with the designation of a made-up disease. It's very much like being put under a spell and cursed. A curse you went shopping for and paid for!

I remember when I was a kid and the doctor said I had heart problems and what not; I'm pretty sure my childish indifference and inattention in that case helped guarantee that none of that would ever turn out to be true.

I certainly think that our thoughts and emotions are at the core of things, setting things in motion, shaping our point of view and critical in deciding what foods we eat. We're much less likely to poison ourselves with bad food choices if we loved ourselves deep down. Thanks for linking your post to me; I'll be sure to check it out :)

I remember when I was a kid and the doctor said I had heart problems and what not; I'm pretty sure my childish indifference and inattention in that case helped guarantee that none of that would ever turn out to be true.

Wow that is really incredible to me. It's really good for me to hear. Validation from another person helps with maybe even a little evidence when you're so far outside of mainstream belief.

Here's something my Chiropractor said to me when my friends and I were trying to figure out if what we had caught was pnemonia:

Di = two
gnosis = to know
So two people don't know you or the doctor.

And here's another thing his teacher said to a diagnosis "pre-cancerous cells": "how does the doctor know they're pre-cancerous cells, and not cells that are healing?"!

I've never been to a Chinese doctor before, but from the little bit I do know about it, Chinese medicine seems like very sound science.

I met a woman one time who taught pre-med students. And she told us that the current way of doing medicine is completely out of the door. The newest students are practicing this new, more modern form of medicine that looks at the body as a whole. I can't remember what she called it, but she said if we ever have to go to a doctor it's pretty safe to go to them. I think it starts with an A?

This is really a rich post ........ I can as well tag it as where there is no doctor ..... So I got that now.

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