Messages from the soul: Kidney's health

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Body, mind and emotions are always connected. Finding what different pains and symptoms mean is a great advantage to prevent chronic illnesses and improve emotional wellness. Here we'll talk about the kidneys.

As psychologist and as yogi, I've learned from theory and experience about the symbolism of each organs and their illnesses. The kidneys are really important components of our system, and are focused on 2 main functions:

  • Filter the blood and purify our body;
  • Expulse toxins through urine;
  • Adrenal glands, placed on the kidneys, are also protagonist in stress and alarm responses.

When we correlate that with psychoemotional health, several interpretations of kidney's problems can be found:

  • Filtering and opportunism: As kidneys work as filters to clean and also to recover nutrients body could be misused, quality of their functioning are usually related to how well do we take profit from opportunities of life. Sometimes because of pride and ego we don't take proper chances to re-discover ourselves and overcome fears. Wasting opportunities to learn that those aspects from another people that annoy you are reflections of yoursel,f is another example of what could be causing renal problems.
  • Let bad things go away: resistance to let things, emotions and people go can produce renal disfunctions, as we don't allow our soul to give proper welcome to new things. If you also ingest a lot of chemicals from processed foods, so that your urine is too dark or smelly, it means you're letting enter too many toxic energies to your life, doing harm to yourself. 
  • Overcoming fears: fear is a natural emotion. Most of cases the right thing isn't feeling no fear but facing it. If we get overwhelmed by fear, anxious personality and panic crisis will happen. On the other hand, if we don't recognize it in our life (conscious or recent fears as well as those originated by traumas in childhood), we could freeze in case of facing or running away from them. That's what happens in those people that are too tame, slow or passive. They may look peaceful and quiet, but in fact they hide a lot of anxiety and their minds aren't quiet at all.

Kidneys and human relationships

You may find that kidneys -as well as lungs, gonads and other organs and glands- are dual. We have two kidneys. Dual organs are deeply related to our social development, in different aspects. 

In case of kidneys, their health is vinculated to the most instinctive and basic dimensions of human relationships. The synergy to cohabitate and become intimate with others -not just sexually-,so that our instincts and basic personality can flow. Any failure will repercute on your relationships with your couple, family and/or room-mates.

Also when someone needs to have a drink or any other drug to start feeling funny or friendly, it means that moral doesn't blocks spontaneous expression of that joy, and the person needs drugs to open that gateway to let it flow.

On the other hand, if someone's too restricted to share at least a drink or a snack in a social meeting because it's toxic or unhealthy, it will be perceived by the group (and specially by the host) like this person won't integrate himself that much during the meeting, as sharing food is a way to produce synergy between people. Thus, the group may target him/her as asocial or bitter person. Because, imagine how hard would be for them to live with someone like him if they had to! We have our kidneys to face impurities at least once in a while.

Healing your kidneys

  • Improve your nourishment habits: reducing processed foods and anything that includes artificial flavors and colors will help you to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • Hydrate yourself: they need some help to work, and this help comes from water. But if you want to get hydrated correctly, don't count juices or other drinks, just water.
  • Reduce meat consumption: beside of cured meat products which are processed foods, mammals meat in general increase testosterone and HPA-axis activity, increasing risks of chronic stress, that will make suprarenal glands work harder for nothing, among other side effects.
  • Practice Chi Kung or Yoga: This kind of practices let you detoxify your body and being conscious during the process, learning to listen to them deeply, so you can find by yourself the specific emotional background behind of any health issue and become your own Master and preventive therapist. Especially Chi Kung, that is focused on kidney's health, as they're maybe the most important organs for Chinese Medicine. Because, as Yoda from Star Wars says, fear is the root and path to the dark side, which means that is from chronic fear from which all suffering and bad emotions surge.

So, this is just a sneak peak of all what we can learn from our body and their health problems to improve our life and re-discover emotional intelligence with which we all have born. 

What do you suggest about these topic? Have you any health problem related to kidneys or any other part of your body? Discuss it on comments. Private consults are also available. 

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Psyc. Manuel Alejandro Patiño

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