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RE: Another Reason To End Fluoridation: Fluoride Consumption During Pregnancy Lowers IQ Of Children

in #health5 years ago

In first half of XXth century the only place water was fluorised were concentration camps. It's nice that You publish such content.


Incorrect, IG Farben 100% put fluoride in the water and it was used to dumb down the Jews, just as I cited at the end of my article. Meanwhile, in the U.S. Manhattan Project scientists discovered early on that fluoride was a “leading health hazard," as my article cites.

Did you even bother to look at what I linked you? You are spreading flat out lies now that have ZERO proof. I can see your agenda though. I will spread that information since I can see that you are impervious to being corrected.

" it was used to dumb down the Jews"

No, it was used to dumb down Americans, and Russian, but there isn't any proof on Germans. Why are you specifying ONE religion? Why spread disinformation?

No I did not, because you are wrong and its a waste of my time. I have looked into this for years. Again, IG Farben used high doses of sodium fluoride on Jewish people to dumb them down and make them easier to control. To answer your other question "why specify one religion?" Because what happened during WW2? It's called the holocaust. Before the "undesirables" (gypsies, jewish people etc.) were sent to gas chambers they would be given high dosages of sodium fluoride. YOU are the one spreading disinformation not me. Read: Crimes and Punishments Of IG Farben, which I cited. Here are more excerpts that come from a German reporter. That ZERO proof, is actually a letter from Charles Perkins, a chemist...

"No I did not, because you are wrong"

Covering your ears and ignoring the truth will not make it go away. You are an enemy of the truth, according to your very own words.
You literally can't handle the truth.

Keep spreading mainstream lies put out by the demons controlling this world, and you will continue to be, part of the problem.

Attempting to bury the truth doesn't work with people like me around. Good try though!

Repeating my words.....What a genius!

I dont have evidence, that's what I heard a few times. Anyway, every chemist knows that fluor is very active, some people think it shouldnt be contained in toothpaste even.

It is by far one of the most toxic substances known to man.
But it wasn't used by "nazis" and "them evil germans" like some of the 'narrative' wants you to think, so that you spread it around too.

Now you know the truth though.

Maciejficek, I wouldn't listen to anyone who refuses to look at the truth . an0n flat out said he refuses to look at the truth because "it is a waste of his time". He would rather spread lies. The real perps of the fluoride campaign, want you to blame it all on the big boogyman of the century, instead of where it belongs.

"Did the Germans use fluoride in the drinking water at concentration camps, or other places during World War II?
No they did not! This is just one of the many myths floating around and repeated ad nauseam by “anti-NWO activists” and Libertarians etc who are led around by their noses by various gurus within the so-called “truth movement” such as David Icke, Alex Jones, Mike Rivero, and many others, daily propagating disinfo as they engage in fear mongering using Adolf Hitler and “those evil Nazis!” as their favorite whipping boys. The fluoridation myth is just one more classic example of this. Of course, putting sodium fluoride in drinking water is a bad idea, but why blame Hitler?"
"And now the truth:"
"Charles E Perkins; chemist and researcher, wrote the book “The Truth about Water Fluoridation.” The info allegedly supplied by Perkins (shown here at seems to be the main source used to back up the claims of “Nazi fluoride usage”. It’s also claimed that Perkins was in contact with the German chemists of I.G. Farben who admitted to the “Nazi plot to use fluoride in drinking water”. I’ll come back to that shortly.".......

An0n hates the truth, but maybe you maciejficek, will care about the truth enough to stop spreading 'what you heard'?

Hitler wrote a book called "New World Order" you freaking uneducated moron.

No point you have there. Nothing. Just insults, because you know you are wrong. More ad homenim please, little Bolshevik. It's candid camera time!

"Hitler wrote a book called "New World Order" you freaking uneducated moron."

Do you even have any clue what he was warning about genius? Did he mention fluoride? Do you have any point whatsoever to back up your false lies?

He wasn't warning about anything. Which just shows how uneducated you are.

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