Why Probiotics Fail Most of the Time

in #health7 years ago

 If you suffer from digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramps,
occasional constipation or diarrhea, you're certainly not alone
. There
are millions of Americans just like you. Even if your digestive system
performed like clockwork when you were younger, it is not uncommon to
find these issues becoming more frequent as you age. 

 You can hardly turn on the TV these days without seeing commercials for
probiotic-fortified yogurts or probiotic supplements. Perhaps you've
even tried one of these highly advertised "solutions" only to be left
wondering why everyone you see on your screen looks so happy and active,
while your digestive problems aren't getting any better.

The truth is, you'd have to eat yogurt by the gallon to get the
probiotic levels necessary to turn around stubborn digestive issues. And
many probiotic supplements lack the targeted strains and "extra
strength" many older adults need.   I'm convinced that probiotics can provide substantial benefits for digestive and immune health. And they are particularly important as we grow older and our intestinal function and resistance begin to lose their effectiveness. 

But probiotic products are not "one size fits all." 

 So how can you get the results you are looking for? Just do what
researchers do.

 #1: Insist on Premium Quality

 #2: Don't Skimp on Your Daily Serving Size 

#3: Make Sure Your Probiotics are "Healthy" 

#4: Take a Multi-Strain Formula for Best Results  

 LACTOBACILLUS LONGUM Supports healthy regularity and lactose
digestion, and may work to inhibit harmful bacteria in the intestinal

 LACTOBACILLUS LONGUM BB536™ Promotes healthy regularity and
stimulates the immune system. One study of elderly patients found that
it reduced the risk of a common seasonal illness that is particularly
risky for older adults. 

 LACTOBACILLUSLACTIS BL-04™ Promotes immune health benefits as well
as digestive support. An Australian study found that daily intake
resulted in a significantly lower risk of catching colds.  

 LACTOBACILLUS BIFIDUM Shown to promote healthy regularity and reduce
bowel urgency, and strengthen immune health, too. 

 LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS Produces vitamin K and the enzyme lactase,
which helps you digest lactose in your food. It's often recommended
for yeast issues.  

 LACTOBACILLUS CASEI  Shown to reduce urgent bowel "emergencies"
brought on by antibiotic medications, and even promote stronger
emotional health.  

 LACTOBACILLUS RHAMNOSUS Helps ease intestinal bloating, pain and
gas. It has also demonstrated promising results in easing urinary
tract problems among postmenopausal women.

LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM Promotes less abdominal discomfort, bloating and gas, and a greater normalization of stools. 

Follow These Guidelines and You Can Enjoy Superior Results, Too   I hope these "research secrets" will help you understand and compare the wide range of probiotic products available. 

Extract from : http://www.liveinthenow.com/category/natural-health-news  

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