ALERT!!!! Stop Practicing these Diet Tricks
If drinking tea, taking powder and pills was a healthy way of losing weight, then 75% of the people struggling with overweight would be slim by now. The truth is, most of the dieting tricks you are practicing are not healthy and even dangerous
Intermittent Fasting
Occasional fasting makes you dehydrated and cranky. It decreases your metabolism rate and in long-term, you will gain weight instead of losing it.
Various Protein Shakes
Many of the weight loss shakes are higher in calorie which is not mentioned in the packaging. Calories make you gain weight quickly.
Weight-loss Teas
Some weight loss tea powder contains an active ingredient which makes you visit the loo more than frequent and is responsible for losing body electrolyte and causing muscle cramps.
One Food Diet
Even if you are eating your favorite food throughout the day, cutting off all other food groups causes nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies may cause both short and long-term health complications.
Charcoal Cleansing
Lately, it has become a craze to drink carbonated charcoal to detoxify the body and lose weight. Intake of charcoal has a great health hazard. It affects the intestine greatly and often causes constipation.
Interesting points. Can you back them up with facts or studies? I didn't know intermittent fasting makes you heavier in the long term and I thought it sped up metabolism. I do have to agree with you about that the green teas, a lot of green tea has added sugar which contributes big time to weight gain! Nevertheless, thanks for the stimulating post.
Intermittent fasting is great. I do it twice a week for 24 hours. I feel amazing for doing it and I've lost a lot of body fat. I do drink water and coffee though so no dehydration.
You should eat a lot! Sport a lot! Have sex a lot! Everything a lot is good for your diet. Except doing nothing :D
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সম্প্রতি, এটি শরীরের detoxify এবং ওজন কমানোর জন্য কার্বনেটেড কাঠকয়লা পান করার জন্য একটি উন্মত্ততা হয়ে উঠেছে। চারকোলের আহারে স্বাস্থ্যগত ঝুঁকি রয়েছে। এটি অন্ত্রকে ব্যাপকভাবে প্রভাবিত করে এবং প্রায়ই কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যের কারণ হয়।
really you are so lucky person.
Timely test when I'm thinking of losing weight. Thanks for your guidance.
Muy buenos consejos, es importante que la gente se informe de los pro y contra antes de modificar algo tan importante como lo son sus hábitos alimentarios. Gracias por tu publicación
REcuerda que el desayuno es la comida mas importante del día, come sufiente en el desayuno y las otras comidas por porciones, y verás que rebajas y no afecta tu salud. Intentalo!
Hi My lovely family @litupro
A meaningful outlook and teaches me to be more careful about consuming a lot of food that is happening in all countries due to the deadly poisonous food but here I want to ask what a precise concept we can do to fight the poison of the food ?
from this post I can take one important thing about what is happening right now to the food we serve to our family.
hopefully this becomes a most important lesson from this post
thanks @litupro
we win together