The assault on children's minds

in #health7 years ago

I do not consider myself a SuperMom, nor the world's greatest parent, yet I was shocked to realize that by today's standards I'm failing miserably at my job. I've always thought that teaching kids the proper name of their genitals at an early age and answer sex related questions as best I can is what modern parents do.
Apparently, this is not good enough. What I should have done was start explaining to them when they were 4 or 5, that having a penis does not make them a boy and the lack of said organ does not make them a girl. No, I have not been living under a rock for the past years and it is not the first time I've encountered such lunacy. The problem is I'm fed up with stuff like that, not only because it is harmful to children, but also because I'm starting to see this as a deliberate campaign to create a whole generation of gender confused individuals.

The new normal

Let's read Planned Parenthood's guideline for parents.
“Boy, girl, man and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities ‘boy’ or ‘man’ have vulvas, and some with the gender identity ‘girl’ or ‘woman’ have penises/testicles. Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.”
Many four-year old boys still struggle with learning how to use their penises for the basic peeing function and have no idea about what sex means. Why on Earth would you want to say to a young boy something like:
”Hold it, son child, while it may seem that having a penis you're a boy, you may actually be a girl, and, while we're at it, please stop referring to your friend Mary as a girl, because even if she doesn't actually have a penis she identifies as a boy”.

Gender free generation

“No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?” is a controversial documentary that will air next week on BBC2. The documentary was made at a primary school on the Isle of Wight and it involves 7-year old kids. During the six-weeks of filming, all gender differences were removed, boys were encouraged to take part in girls traditional activities and vice-versa.
The experiment was backed by an expert, professor Gina Rippon at Aston University, one of the UK’s leading experts in brain imaging and neuroscience, according to whom "there is no such thing as a male or female brain type - and instead the brain is a plastic organ, shaped and moulded by experiences, in which childhood is key.”
Exactly, mess with a young brain until it becomes twisted and the result will be a gender-confused young person with serious mental issues. Why would anyone want to create gender-confused adults? For one thing, they won't reproduce as much, which is good for those who already say the planet is over-populated, and there are very influential people saying that.

Three sex-changes in eight years!

Take, instance the story of Ria Cooper (born Brad), once Britain's youngest sex swap patient, who is to undergo gender reassignment for the third time as she becomes a woman again. At age 15, Brad opted for gender re-assignment surgery, but changed his mind at 18, and went from woman to gay man. Now Brad wants to be a Ria again. Ria's life so far is a mess - depression, prostitution, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, involvement in violent relationships and substance-abuse. However, the (for now) woman talks of having a family and being a mother. She might get to adopt a kid someday, but as an individual Brad/Ria has forfeited the chance of procreating a child. One less mouth to feed on Earth. If this campaign of messing with our children's minds is allowed to continue (and grow), think how many Brad/Ria cases we'll be having 20 years from now?


The whole idea of telling children to choose who they are as fsr as sex goes is absurd! Filling their heads with nonsense about gender issues before they can even pee by themselves, craziness!
The powers that be who are bringing this upon the society are themselves messed up in their heads and have a dark agenda.
If you care about your kids, please make an effort to reinforce the ideas that you want your children to understand, especially during the ages of birth to at least seven.
This time period has been proven by scientific research to show that children are most susceptible to mind alterations which enforce the things that they are seeing and hearing during this time.
Their minds are in a state of hypnotic trance where Everything they hear or see gets dropped into the subconscious memory automatically, bypassing the conscious memory altogether!
All of these people who are insisting on this bulls^^t have a problem with people and they want to spread it. Already, men are being urged to cower to women in case they might be perceived as being misogynist or bullying.
Men are men, Women are women and unless you want all children to stop being born and instead be dropped out of a test tube, then people better wake up!
It's the perfect way to get population to degrade to the point of robotic slaves.
Time to Wake Up Neo!!

Thank you very much for your comment. I feel the same! The whole feminist agenda fits right into this pattern.
Just after finishing this post, I read about a day camp in California that caters to transgender children aged 4 to 12!

Yes, this makes me so mad, especially since I am now a grandad! I don't want to see my grandson or any further grandchildren brought up with a crazy mindset because the system of society has effectively brainwashed them into believing that it's wrong to be a boy or a girl!
I couldn't resist commenting on your great post, thanks for posting it!

I like the aspect of making space for a child to express if their gender identity does not match their physical sex. I think it is a difficult balance because, as a society, we tend to be percussive and swing to extremes. Do we need to do away with gender from birth? I don't believe so, but I think it is ultimately a good thing we are making space for people whose genders do not conform to the current Western binary to fully embrace their true gender. I wonder if the individual above who hasn't been able to settle on a gender might have been able to find their place on the spectrum were this support existent throughout society as they were coming of age. I can't imagine how hard that would be.

I completely agree with you @shawnamawna. I don't think people are trying to make anyone be transgender, but rather allowing them to be if they are. Which is totally valid. It is hard to understand something you have never experienced, and if a person is cis gender and has never in their life questioned their own gender, it must be hard to understand that someone else could ever feel differently. I know many transgender people who are absolutely incredible, they are kind, intelligent, generous, sane, balanced, excellent contributors to society, and have been through absolute hell in just trying to be able to be themselves. As far as Ria, I feel sorry for the pain and struggle they have gone through on their journey, but it is not fair to base claims on extreme cases when arguing an entire segment of society's mental stability. I agree, if there were more acceptance of a gender spectrum rather than just male or female, life would be easier on a lot of people. I'm not a parent so I don't tell people what to do with their kids, I just hope parents love their children and don't force them to be anything they are not, or try to prevent them from being who they are.

I don't have a problem with transgender adults and I am sure the people you talk about are very nice, as individuals. What bothers me is this deliberate attempt to impose transgender ideology on children, ever younger children. We're no longer talking about teenagers, but pre-schoolers. They don't understand sex, they don't care about sex, they don't need to be taught about sex. Of any kind.
And it is not just my opinion as a mother. There are lots of experts who say that referring young children to 'gender clinics' is an abuse. In 2014, in the US there were 24 gender clinics. Today, there are 215 pediatric residency programs training future pediatricians in a "transition-affirming protocol and treating gender-dysphoric children". The transition-affirming protocol tells parents to treat their children as the gender they desire, and to place them on puberty blockers around age 11 or 12 if they are gender dysphoric. Let us also keep in mind that what they now call gender dysphoria was until recently a gender disorder, included as such in the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
With so many gender specialists we can only imagine how many children will be sent to these clinics and parents won't have any right to refuse. (See the Charlie Gard posts on my blog about parental rights).
One other thing, one generation ago ADHD was unheard of and now there are millions of kids and adults on mind-altering drugs. Why? Because there were drugs to be sold and doctors willing to prescribe them.

Ah I just saw your comment here, @ladyrebecca. I think that potential overuse puberty blockers are troubling. My understanding is that kids have to be in therapy for several years preceding the use of those blockers showing consistent symptoms of being transgender.

What you are saying about transgender ideology--I think I understand. I haven't experienced it in my community, although this is a very liberal town and there is lots of space for different life and gender experiences. I love the tradition in other cultures of waiting for children to announce their own gender rather than assign them one based on anatomy. But since we aren't set up for that around here, I think it would be difficult to achieve. I guess I'm saying I don't think genitals equal gender, but I also don't think we need to tell kids they are or aren't one gender or another. We should let them tell us which we generally fail at because our cultural gender system is rigid.

It's such a tough call. The medical opinion as published by John's Hopkins is that transgender is a disease of the mind. This is confusing to me because most cultures recognize other genders going back as far as we can see. It imposes a rigid system on those who do not experience gender in binary. In fact, I disagree that, even if it's classified as a disease, it is something that needs to be corrected (make a kid with a penis think they are male, etc). But I also don't believe being queer is a disease or choice in any other aspect of queerness.

I don't know what choice I would make for my child. What a difficult situation to be in. But I can't imagine any parent making a medication-based decision lightly, let alone one in which a person is stopping a physical transition. I would be so afraid!

I love this conversation. It is so important to have dialogue on these issues to tease out our own clarities.

Ah I just saw your comment here, @ladyrebecca. I think that potential overuse puberty blockers are troubling. My understanding is that kids have to be in therapy for several years preceding the use of those blockers showing consistent symptoms of being transgender.

What you are saying about transgender ideology--I think I understand. I haven't experienced it in my community, although this is a very liberal town and there is lots of space for different life and gender experiences. I love the tradition in other cultures of waiting for children to announce their own gender rather than assign them one based on anatomy. But since we aren't set up for that around here, I think it would be difficult to achieve. I guess I'm saying I don't think genitals equal gender, but I also don't think we need to tell kids they are or aren't one gender or another. We should let them tell us which we generally fail at because our cultural gender system is rigid.

It's such a tough call. The medical opinion as published by John's Hopkins is that transgender is a disease of the mind. This is confusing to me because most cultures recognize other genders going back as far as we can see. It imposes a rigid system on those who do not experience gender in binary. In fact, I disagree that, even if it's classified as a disease, it is something that needs to be corrected (make a kid with a penis think they are male, etc). But I also don't believe being queer is a disease or choice in any other aspect of queerness.

I don't know what choice I would make for my child. What a difficult situation to be in. But I can't imagine any parent making a medication-based decision lightly, let alone one in which a person is stopping a physical transition. I would be so afraid!

I love this conversation. It is so important to have dialogue on these issues to tease out our own clarities.

I think it's hard to find the balance when we first start reacting. Personally, my childhood experience was gender fluid. I moved back and forth between feeling "male" and feeling "female" and I still do, although I identify as female. My parents did not allow for me to have any other experience. They told me it was religiously wrong. They believed, despite multiple cultures and examples to the contrary, that there are only two genders. I was told, "Boys are boys and girls are girls." I wish we could have looked beyond that binary. It caused me a lot of deep pain that turned into anxiety and self-loathing.

Knowing that makes me hope we can continue to make room for the kids that need to the room to discover how their gender is or isn't related to their bodies, as well as room for the cis kids who find pleasure in being part of the binary. In short, kids are beautiful. Let's meet them where they are and celebrate. <3

There are two sexes, certain biological anomalies (which rarely occur) and mental illness. To say this these days is tantamount to suicide because politics now determines the official stand point of scientific and professional bodies. Even scientists and professionals are hounded for going against the political line. Forget the old fashioned idea of responsible treatment of those who are ill, and their right to receive proper care. Even parents enjoy no protection from the strong arm of the politician who will step in to ensure that we cooperate with the indoctrination of the young child. It is left to the conscience of every human being to protect his and her loved one at all costs and no matter the cost, from psychological abuse which in effect teaches the normal child to hate himself for being normal. It is also our responsibility to raise into adulthood, individuals with self-reliance, sound morals and robust characters.

This used to be called mental illness. It was treated. Now it is embraced. Lunacy is right.

Well said! IMO, the idea of "binary" gender no doubt came from the binary physical presentation at birth of all humans. I feel addled that I'm told I must believe there are genders beyond what is physically seen. If I am to accept this premise, then I must know how many total genders there are, what each of them means, and where scientifically does one prove they exist other than in the mind? And if society accepts there are more than 2 genders, then why aren't all other physical aspects up for renegotiation? Age, skin color, number of eyes, number of mouths, etc? If my child identifies his armpit as his mouth must he be allowed to shove snacks down his shirt sleeve at school? This is "The Emperor's New Clothes" coming to life--everyone must kowtow and pretend anything anyone says about himself is fact. Lastly, what does it signify that a society is obsessed with this, instead of solving the world's problems? Not many people in slums worrying about this!

You want to know how many genders there are? Anywhere between 50 and 70. Most of them seem to be simply duplicates, but maybe I'm too old fashioned to understand subtle differences. Apparently, trans-male is not the same thing as trans-man. Don't ask me why. Asking for scientific proof is also very wrong these days, because 'science is racist', you know, being mostly white. Thanks for reading.

Well, now there are 56 genders, just pick a different one each day. I think they should allow 365 genders, so you don't have to be the same gender twice in a year. :)

Good one! On the other hand, imagine how many different outfits one would need??

You could recycle some halloween costumes. Those are genders too.

I say: let stupid people be stupid. If someone wants to cut out his dick and be self righteous about it at the same time - go ahead! I am fine with reading about those people on the internet... as long as I don't have to shake their hands it's cool.

Grown-ups can do whatever they want, especially those buying into this transgender fad. Just don't force these ideas on children.

Wow great information.. you are doin great job with ur children.. thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading.

As a lesbian Eskimo midget, I feel eminently qualified to speak about this... Seriously, I've done some posts about the puberty postponing drugs they're giving kids that prevent them from maturing naturally. It's predominantly gay parents that are "choosing" a gender for their adopted children. This is sick!!!

Thank you for reading. Never knew you identify as a lesbian Eskimo midget, hope I did never offended you by using the male pronoun in my comments.
And, yes, these drugs are a real plague, especially now that we're talking about kids aged 9 or 10 that are given approval for sex-change therapy. I had a hard time trying to keep this post as short as possible and I left out the story of that "man" who recently gave birth to a child, who will be raised "neutral". Wow!

I was kidding... although I always register as an "Eskimo/Pacific Islander" for the census. It's none of their business what I am (and if they can't figure it out by my last name- Quitliano!!!) and I think that Eskimos are underrepresented in the census!

I know you're kidding... but that's the PC way of talking these days, when we're all guilty of 'micro-aggressions' and assuming someone's identity, which can basically change every day. Gender fluidity...

Yeah, stuff like this is just to much. teach your kid to respect others, done. We don't need to teach them that gender is "fluid," just seem like a way to screw up a young mind.

If they feel a certain way than support it but don't force this stuff on them. Sad to say I feel like a lot of this, "I'm transgender," is just people hoping on the bandwagon of what's popular.

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