Ketogenic Dieting — the quest begins

in #health7 years ago

Ever since I started back in retail last October, my weight has slowly climbed and climbed again.

I got back into the bad habit of buying lunch at work and eating practically every breaktime. At one point, I was under 11.5 stone and now I’m probably over 13 again....

Time to take action. It’s Saturday 7th April and I declare war on my fat deposits. A colleague of mine has successfully been doing the ‘Keto’ diet. The weight has been falling off him. I’ll let the picture below/link tell you what it’s all about


I’m fully aware this will be hard on my body his morning. As well as essentially eating NO carbs, I will intermittent be fasting also. Basically, I’ll skip breakfast and not eat a single morsel after 6pm (exceptions of course for special occasions).

The key with this is not give up and focus on your goal. Mine is to drop back down to 11 stone, maybe 10. Health is the most important thing we have and it must be maintained. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.


All you need is willpower. Let’s be fair, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. In that way, I’m clean - but it doesn’t mean my willpower is any different than those who have addictions. Gambling is my weakness and that stops today also. It’s time to turn my life round. It’s been giving me good things these last few months and in a way, I’ve been throwing it all back by wasting money. NO MORE. It’s so time to take responsibility and know my limits. That’s it basically. Buck up, grow up and do what I need to do.

I’m currently on the way to work

Everything comes to he who waits - and eats sensibly. So, tell me... what dieting secrets do you all know? What do you swear by? Are you on a diet and how is that going for you? Feel free to comment below!



Dieting is hard at the best of times, this one sounds much harder. I wish you well on your journey and truly believe that anything is possible with time and effort. the key really is consistency. I have a very healthy relationship between cardio and chocolate, they go hand in hand. lol. I look forward to hearing about your ventures.

@l5taylor Stick with what works for you and stay consistent. You've got this. I've gained and lost weight several times throughout my life including a similar low carb plan. The problem I found with the low carb dieting is that you rapdily gain weight back upon reintroducing carbs back into your life. Also it's not the carbs that truly work against you it's the non-fibrous carbs. Fibrous carbs are where you want to focus all of your carbohydrate intake from. For example, broccoli has approximately 1 gram of fiber for every carb and therefore NETS out to 0 carbs, hence the term net carbs. What has worked best for me in relation to losing weight and keeping weight off is eating more meals throughout the day but smaller portions and drink plenty of water. This puts your metabolism into hyperdrive while also allowing you to still eat small portions of the things you love, like BREAD. Yum!

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This diet is being utilized for an alternative cancer treatment by mainstream medicine now. I've been following it for a year now since Dr. Becker brought it up in relation to the remarkable study and cure rate for cancer in pets. I actually met her at a private talk she did to a full house of veterinarians, holistic practitioners - it was incredible! Keto Pet is the name of the animal study - a few billionaires wanted to do something productive with their money so they thought, "Let's cure cancer!" so they sought out the very best doctors and scientists in the world and found that this ketogenic diet was the most promising. Since the cancer rate for dogs was 1 in 3 or less, there was no shortage of patients - they simply rescued from shelters that were going to euthanize these poor animals because they were so far progressed in their cancers. Look up Keto Pet and see the amazing work these people are doing. So that is the animal version of ketogenic diet study...the premise was to begin there first to get the momentum to bring this to a human study with the animal cure rates as the momentum to be taken seriously. Last year they had begun that study, not sure what the results are. But they way it was explained at this talk I went to, cancer feeds off of sugars (we all know this) and carbs turn to sugar...and what I didn't realize is that when it runs out of sugars (glucose), it will then use protein as it's energy. However, if the body has been converted to a ketogenic diet and is using ketones as energy instead of glucose, the cancer cells see the ketones and interpret it as glucose and consumes it - which in turn destroys the cancer cell. There are so many studies now on the NIH library website now. It's being taken seriously for cancer and inflammatory conditions. As far as losing weight? I know several people that are using it for that with great success. I think that there are varying versions of this diet out there though....not all healthy as with anything.

Hi @l5taylor! Nice to meet you. Keto is very popular were I live. My auntie and cousin have done very well with this program. I lost a bunch of weight a while back by subscribing to tge eat-clean diet. Which kind of morphed through the following years. I find it tough to live within confining rules towards food. Rather i personally prefer a healthy supportive relationship with food & myself. I wish you great success on your endeavour!! I have never heard of weight being measured in stone before! Where are you from? I bet it would help to join a support group. You are taking on two big challenges at once. It will help to have new friends to keep you accountable!!
Congratulations! Looks like you are starting with a win by being selected by the @asapers! That's awesome!! Good for you 😉👍👍

I have not heard of this type of dieting before. Thank you for sharing