Avoiding contagion with Coronavirus

in #health5 years ago

Avoiding contagion with Coronavirus


Avoid contagion wih a highly contagious virus depends big time in ourselves, in our hygiene habits that we learn in time and what we must learn at the gates of an inminent and dangerous pandemic.

Here's some biohazard security advise for different levels that are going to depend directly of our job place and our daily life, as well as our budged and number of people we frequent.

Here's the first image that I did to make it easy to understand about the elements we have to ge to our protection and our family's. As the expansion of the virus continues moving forward these articles price will rise and probably are going to shorten, so it's very important to foresee and have in mind that a virus like this one will get anywhere and is just a matter of time for it to get where you live.


  • The use of security glasses avoids particles of water, saliva or spores to enter the eyes directly and despite it wouldn't repel 100% particles it will reduce the probability of their access.

  • Purell hand sanitizer is used in different food networks to keep our hand clean and free of germs, it has high cleaning level that ensures the erradication of those germs. This sanitizer can be found bigger containers than the ones of regular hand gels. You can buy those bigs containers and fill smaller and more portable ones.

  • The mouth cover is the major protection for virus because it avoid the particles gets inside the nose or mouth. There are different mouth covers with different levels of protection. Depending on the certification will be the proportion of particle filtering. It's recomended the N95 certification or superior to protect from Coronavirus. It will depend on your budget directly, so you can pick the mask for you staring from that certification.

  • The anti-fluid overall is used mostly by health personel and it's wear over the regular clothes to avoid fluids and particles get on your it. I hope it won't get to that point where we need this level of security.

  • The nitrile surgical gloves can protect our hands more than simple examination latex gloves, also have certain level of protection against pricks. Those are used by healthcare personel mostly and also by tattoo artists. If the pandemic grows and expands so badly that we need more protection, nitrile gloves will be a good selection to make physical contact with people and public surfaces.

  • The wet toals can be used to clean surfaces that we must touch and if you need a deeper cleaning over a surface for whatever reason, you can spread the sanitizer on the wet toal and clean. Besides you can use them to clean your face or hands when there's no easy access to a water sourse.

  • The work gloves are used obviously for heavy work and to protect our hands from injuries or chemicals in industrial enviroments. If you need to move machinery, move objects or nature activities. In a pandemic scenario we must use this kind of gloves to move objects, supplies, containers or surfaces and disinfect them before getting them inside our home. You can use this ones over the nitrile ones for double security, but not a lot of time.

  • A gas mask with double filter is used in industrial or biohazard conditions and can offer a higher level of protection than the mouth covers, but it depends directly on your budget and the work you do. The gas mask can be very durable but it will need an inventary of filters.

There are habits that despite they look like they are obvious and common sense, in a lot of places there's people that aparently have a different common sense that becomes something bad for good of everyone else. There's people coughing or sneezing without covering their mouth and with no shame at all, others can spit close to people without any shame. We should be aware that when we do any of those actions we spread saliva and particles that get inside the nose, eyes or mouth of people surrounding us.

On the next image there are actions that we must avoid to protect us and others.


  • Contact greetings like kisses on the chick or mouth, holding hands or hugs must be left behind to avoid the involuntary exchange of fluids and particles, it doesn't matter if they're family, friends, couple or people you just know. There's people that aren't aware of the dangers of being infected and simply don't pay attention to this.

  • Touching surfaces and objects in spaces like public transport, street, offices, elevators, handrails, computers or phones must be done with the awareness of what we're doing to proceed with disinfection. The recommendation is to clean the surfaces before use them in case of personal objects and avoid contact with public surfaces.

  • Avoiding conglomerations of people as much as possible is primary to be away of possibilities of contagion. In the subway or bus, city places with a lot of traffic or many people circulating are points of potential infection that is better avoid even if we have all our protection supplies.

  • Sharing cutlery to eat or taking them without washing can become in a source of germs and virus and we must avoid this kind of action. We should have our own portable cutlery and wash them before and after using them. Remember is a long way to avoid contagion.

  • Many times we share our drinks with people without sense of hygiene that take our drink without our consent and we need to avoid this action however we can and if someone does that don't drink from our glass avoid to drink again. In schools and between kids or teenagers is an common action and educating our kids about infection and their sources is a primal need to avoid this situation.

  • Like with drinks, sharing food or snacks can also represent a point of possible infection and bacteria transmission through saliva or particles in our hands.

  • Cough without covering our mouth looks like something we don't need to recall because we all should know how to act and behave but it's so sad to see how many times people do that. Don't cough without covering your mouth.

  • The sneeze is an involuntary movement that ejects the air from lungs with violence through our nose and mouth. This movement is the perfect method to spread the virus, because the particles of saliva at full speed get a bigger range.

  • Spitting in the street is kind of disgusting, but it's worst to spit among many people without shame. The particles of saliva when we spit can reach the people surrounding us not as violent as sneezing. We can avoid this situation going away from people.

If we need to prepare food for other people like family or friends in our home, we should cover our mouth with a simple mouth cover and wash well our hands.
We must know that we can carry the virus without having any symptom. If we work in a restaurant, like cooking or delivering food on the tables, the safety should be higher like mouth cover, gloves and disposable hat. It's so important to disinfect the food preparation area with chlorine and then wash everything with water, as well as the cutlery.

There are rules of hygiene to the preparation of food and regulations that in many places are skipped, for example, a food truck, some employees can be careless than others about it and is so important to look for information because the food and employees are in contact with possible contamination.

Getting supplies before the virus arrives or increases it's presence, is primal so you can find them because all of them will shorten due to the health and government gets the inventory of big warehouses for healthcare and security personel.

Schools are the easiest place for contagion, so prevent to send kids to school in time before the virus arrive to your country. Some countries have stopped school activities after the virus has been declared, so remember it's a matter of time.

Be aware that the supplies and equipment depend on your workplace and the quantity of people you get by and the budget you have. The disease has been spreading worldwide and it's something real, with death and intense cases of illness that we don't know yet what are their consequences.

Images composed by Kirvic L. Aguilera
Written by Kirvic L. Aguilera

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