Sierra Leone News: Dr Zhu Lingwei, Zoonosis Expert In Sino-Salone Bio Lab
He is included on the World Health Organization's roster of experts in essential health technologies for transplantation services, and has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports and book chapters. He is included on the World Health Organization's roster of experts in essential health technologies for transplantation services, and has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports and book chapters. Plagues' appeared in Europe: 14th, 15th and 16th centuries which killed more than 50 million people. This was originally reported as a rough doubling of numbers late in 2015. Once people were alert, the doubling grew into more like a 20 fold increase. With radiation induced microcephaly, it was discovered that women had to be hit with more than a specific level of radiation at a critical period of the pregnancy. But now that everybody is out with a tape measure, we would expect a more accurate figure. Stop land grabbing, deforestation and habitat loss: the more we threaten the existence and habitat of Wild Animals, the closer they forage, feed contaminate near us.
Zika is from a class called single stranded RNA viruses. This class has a particularly rapid rate of evolution because RNA is a little less stable than DNA and not having a double stranded genome means these little buggers lack good repair mechanisms for handling replication errors. Unless you study viruses for a living, you’ve probably never heard of this little bugger. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ll have seen news stories about a zika virus epidemic in Brazil. Kuehnert joined the CDC as an epidemic intelligence officer in 1996 and has served in many infectious disease-related public health responses during his tenure at the agency, including Anthrax, West Nile, Monkey Pox, Ebola virus, and most recently, Zika virus. He processes all kinds of suspected samples which permitted to detect in Jui lab including Ebola virus, Yellow fever virus, Zika virus and Monkey pox virus. It was first recognised in a rhesus monkey hung in a cage in a tree in the Zika forest of Uganda in 1947. What were people doing hanging caged monkeys in trees in Uganda? Obviously somebody thought a link was plausible, or they wouldn’t have tested for the virus in the children in the first place.
But how has the link been made between this usually insignificant virus and this frequently tragic birth defect? The second piece of evidence is because the virus has been found in the blood of some of the children. But what exactly does the recent figure of 3,500 affected children mean? And note that I said RNA and not DNA. But pandemics are often unseen yet affect communities more, other viruses of note include: foot-and-mouth, seasonal flu, Aids, the lists grows every year as doe sour ability to forget them again - so take notice and assist the fight-back. The expert says sometimes these diseases are transmitted from person to person. We all recognise Bats and Rats are pests (or not); but other animals incubate viruses and produce just as deadly results than some laboratories. So which common animals should we fear? I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to dead animals with symptoms of illness especially blood and these animals should be burnt or buried deeply rather than eaten as food.
And the NIPAH virus passed between: bats-pigs-humans.These outbreaks remind people about over-processed food chains pumped full of antibiotics that failed to kill these viruses; and created resistant strain viruses. FEAR: People focus on visible fears like snakes, spiders, scorpions and sharks - . Under reporting is entirely plausible - this isn’t like being born with 12 fingers or two heads. But this outbreak has sparked major international interest by being linked to a simultaneous spike in the rate of microcephaly in Brazil. First, the rate spike was noticed. Experts think there’s enough evidence for a tentative link, but the next few years will see a flurry of research aimed at finding out exactly what is happening. According to the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC), 4 out of 5 people who catch Zika never even know they’ve had it. A graduate of Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kuehnert completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Stanford University and the University of California at San Francisco, respectively, and completed an infectious disease fellowship at Emory University. Kuehnert is the recipient of the American Association of Blood Banks President's Award, the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations Executive Director's Award for organ safety, and the George W. Hyatt Memorial Award for tissue safety.
Dr Zhu said there are so many different kinds of delicious fruits. All of these viruses are high pathogenic. It is not an easy work to process samples in the core area of the lab with very closed personal protection equipment (PPE) which protect the scientist from infected by viruses. The spread is most likely due to eating bushmeat but if someone was bitten or scratched, it would also allow any viruses to enter bloodstreams. And unlike Marvels Spiderman, if Bruce Wayne got bitten by these Bats, he'd be dead not crime-fighting. In the case of Ebola, it is suspected that the virus lives in bats and only infects people after they eat chimps, gorillas, antelope or porcupines who have been infected; bush meat may come with karma. Camels - have been able to spread Camel-pox for many years in Middle East and Africa via direct contact with camels and / or ticks or insects bites.