The inconvenient facts about the "coronavirus pandemic"
The amount of fraud committed on the global population at the moment is just staggering. First lets start with China which shows that they didn't even verify the existence of a "virus".
“we did not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in blood"
Koch's postulate is HOW you verify the existence of ANY "virus" so lets see what that entails.
"Koch’s postulates, first stated by the great German bacteriologist Robert Koch in the late 1800s, can simply be stated as:
• Purify the pathogen (e.g. virus) from many cases with a particular illness.
• Expose susceptible animals (obviously not humans) to the pathogen.
• Verify that the same illness is produced.
• Some add that you should also re-purify the pathogen, just to be sure that it really is creating the illness."
Now we have the CDC admitting this, read this as many times as it takes to sink in.
“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”
What it means is that even IF the test shows positive IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE AND IT DOESN'T PROVE THE EXISTENCE EITHER. Yet even when that is understood they report it as if that is the case.
Then we have the UK government admitting this.
"As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK."
Well if that is the case why is the world still on lockdown?
Then we have this happening in Italy due to mass vaccination, yes you heard me. The next part is written by someone that call herself Alessia Alessia
"Many wonder how it is possible that in Bergamo and Brescia there are so high in death.
Agatha Christie said: "A clue is a clue, two clues are a coincidence, but three clues give a test". Below we have 4 clues:1th hint
Coronavirus, 2.864 cases in Bergamo. The most impressed together in Brescia hint
October 21, 2019
Flu vaccine: order 185.000 doses in Bergamo hint
January 8, 2020
Meningitis emergency, vaccinated 34 thousand people between Brescia and Bergamo hint
A study published in PubMed states that flu vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as viral interference. Interference of the vaccine derived virus was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus. flu vaccine increases the risk of coronavirus by 36 % says a military study
Dr. Dr. Olivier
And there's also the 5 hint!
Year (domains) 2018
... on the evening of September 6th there is a report at ATS in Brescia: 71 patients showed up in the emergency room with symptoms of pneumonia...
Before censorship dropped on this silent epidemic there were 1000 infections and 78 deaths, then nothing!!
Someone dared hypothesis: legionella from industrial cooling towers, others didn't even dare, the scienzah mute.
These are the facts:
Then of course we had Mar 13, 2020 this admission made by a public official in Italy
"There may be only two people who died from coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies."
So maybe 2, just maybe. Makes you wonder about the lockdown of 60 million people for the sake of "maybe 2" people.
Bloomberg wrote an article on Mar 18, 2020 stating that 99% of the people that died in Italy had underlying health conditions.
"More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority."
Here is an odd statement by Pompeo claiming that this is a "live exercise" which makes you wonder if this is a scenario which they now run live ie live exercise. Interesting statement since the World Economic Forum together with Bill and Melinda Gates foundation had the Event 201 simulation last year in October about exactly this.
At around 1:03:15 you can hear it
"We ran a massive viral pandemic simulation. Here's what we learned about managing Coronavirus."
Last but not least, the pneumonia and flu scam that the CDC been running for decades, it needs to be understood and burned into the eyelids of people because if they lied about this for decades, what else are they lying about and how can anyone trust anything that comes out of the CDC.
"Meanwhile, according to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “influenza and pneumonia” took 62 034 lives in 2001—61 777 of which were attributed to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was flu virus positively identified. Between 1979 and 2002, NCHS data show an average 1348 flu deaths per year (range 257 to 3006)."
"If flu is in fact not a major cause of death, this public relations approach is surely exaggerated. Moreover, by arbitrarily linking flu with pneumonia, current data are statistically biased. Until corrected and until unbiased statistics are developed, the chances for sound discussion and public health policy are limited."
Here is for those that read this far and have an open mind, I challenge you to read this article of mine that starts the journey into the question, do ANY "virus" exist.
My research summary can be found here regarding the lack of evidence for the existence of "SARS-CoV-2" that is claimed to be the cause of "COVID-19".
Read the comments below for further information regarding the fraud.
Very well researched John. Am just looking into the dates of the past pandemics in relation to the upgrades of radiowaves.
I keep updating this article with new information in the comments so bookmark this one. Same is true with the other one related to the question of the existence of ANY "virus", that one is also being updated every now and then in the comment section when I come across relevant information.
Great post - hope to see you on Hive soon!
I keep updating this article with new information in the comments so bookmark this one. Same is true with the other one related to the question of the existence of ANY "virus", that one is also being updated every now and then in the comment section when I come across relevant information.
I found this talk very interesting regarding current events, I strongly encourage people to check it out. The discussion is about the bad science, the useless PCR & antibody tests, the misunderstanding / fraud regarding the existence of ANY "virus", the lack of science for masks & social distancing and more.
Another inconvenient fact. 2017 vs 2020 in excess mortality in Europe which goes to show that the current lockdown of Europe got nothing to do with a "virus" and that what is at play at the moment is other agendas.
2017 vs 2020 in excess mortality in Europe

About EuroMOMO
"The overall objective of the original European Mortality Monitoring Project was to design a routine public health mortality monitoring system aimed at detecting and measuring, on a real-time basis, excess number of deaths related to influenza and other possible public health threats across participating European Countries."
Here is another inconvenient fact that Jon Rappoport reported on at the beginning of this "pandemic" that partly explain why people fall ill and die in China due to pneumonia because of bad nutrition, pollution and a toxic environment.
Related information by Jim West
Translated from German
Statement by the WHO Jan 14, 2020