Most Serious Effect Of Allergy.............. New History

in #health6 years ago


90 percent of the body burnt after medicines burned!

Wrap the girl's headband bandage. 90 percent of his body burns the skin. Although surprisingly true, it did not burn in the fire. The life-saving penicillin's lethal reaction was in this violent state. When this simple penicillin was allergic to him, then he was severely burned by his body. This young man died in Avignon, south of France.

Camila does not know whether this face will return

According to a report, Tonsil was 29-year-old Camila Lagiera. That is why penicillin is given to him. It is known to have serious allergic issues. The body of the whole body is burning in the skin. He has to stay in the hospital for three weeks in this condition. His mouth, tongue, genitalia and trachea were severely damaged. After the treatment, his body remained stark here.

His rare condition is called toxic obstructive necrolysis (TEN-TEN). There are chances of one or two million people having rare diseases of one or two people. Lagiera skin will never be the same again. He said, after eating penicillin the first signs were seen in the eye irritation and stains on the back of the body. Within hours, the situation deteriorated. Penicillin was given to me due to the problem of anzina. But in my childhood, I ate the penicillin. But allergies can appear at any age.

After this situation, parents took her to the emergency department of Avignon Hospital. He was sent to Marseille's Burning Unit's emergency care center. Doctors did not know the disease could have this disease. It's very dangerous.

The ligarca was given amoxicillin. It is an antibiotic of the penicillin family. After the feeding, the blurred skin appeared on his skin. He was taken to the hospital after seeing such a terrible condition. Experts quickly understand that they have toxic adiposal necrolysis. The body responds to taking medicines. In this case, tens is really rare.

This condition has some tolerable levels called Stevens-Johnson syndrome. But it can be one or two in ten million. This is what the American National Organization for Rare Disorders

She is recovering from the hospital. But the body has been burnt stains. It was a bit sad at this. But slowly he started returning to normal life. I love myself He wrote about these experiences on the blog. He wants others to say, life can be beautifully arranged even when it comes back from hell.

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