The truth about GROWTH HORMONE - gain muscle and lose fat quickly & heal injuries in half the time.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

If you were to ask much of the medical community in the west, they'll tell you human growth hormone doesnt work, theres no studies proving its safe let alone effective, or its even dangerous.
Im here to shed some light on this subject, as ive personally witnessed it turn lives around including my own.

Human growth hormone - comonly referred to as hgh, or gh is a truly incredible substance. Ive used it on and off for over 6 years, and have been fortunate enough to have one of the few doctors that supports its use wholeheartedly.
Through various chanels ive had the opportunity to meet with others that are also prescribed hgh, and every one of these people reports the same result as i do - it works extremely well.

Within the first week or so everything begins to improve. Starting with a clear sense of wellbeing or kind of a new found vigor for life. Easiest way i can put it into words is it feels like youve had the best sleep of your life where you wake up in a fantastic mood, looking forward to the day ahead. The even greater part is this is how it feels even if youve only had 4-5 hours of sleep, and even on a regular basis. It isnt as if youve taken a stimulant at all, but rather you have all the energy youll need and over the course of a few more days youll begin to realize you no longer need coffee to get through your day!
I dont know about you, but there have been times in my life where i just feel down... maybe even a bit depressed often for no reason at all... where my energy and wellbeing is just not there.
Gh changes everything, and i do mean everything... it becomes virtually impossible to feel down, and only a long physically hard day at work leaves you feeling tired rather than just day to day existence. This is how life is supposed to be, but for any number of reasons or a combination thereof for many of us (to many) it isnt.
There is no doubt in my mind our enviornment, and the multitude of toxins we're exposed to every day in our food supply and other places play a huge part in how we feel day to day (but that is a whole other subject im passionate about, and will write about in the future)
Some how gh counteracts all this, and even strengthens our immune system in a big way. Which leads me to - good luck getting a cold on gh. Even if your entire household is suffering with a brutal cold, you wont suffer the same. Usually when my family is sick, i experience none of it... once in awhile i might get a bit of a runny nose, but its gone in a day.
Next thing worth mentioning is if you found yourself lacking vigor or even desire in the bedroom gh has a signifigant effect here as well for both men and women. Everyone ive spoken to with the exception of 1, says the same thing "i feel like im 20 again"!

Next is gh has a signifigant ability to speed up healing. Break your leg, gh will reduce healing time by 25-35%+/- and more doctors are recognizing the potential and are more open to prescribing it for this reason. Only thing on the not so positive side ive noticed regarding healing is if you have a long term injury such as an old shoulder injury, it doesnt always improve a whole lot, but i feel it is likely because many times the pain or discomfort from various injuries are related to things like bone spurrs, burst bursa, or torn ligaments and so on, which all require surgery. Once you have the necessary surgery, you can count on a faster than normal recover on gh though and there are reports of better healing or a better result from surgery while taking gh.

One of the most amazing things about gh, is its ability to litterally transform your physique and fast! The first time i took it, by around week 3 the bodyfat i had around my midsection litterally melted away. I did zero cardio, and only maintained 3 x 45 minute weight training sessions per week. I could not believe the transformation i was going through. Im not one to check myself out in the mirror to begin with, but there were noticable changes every few days. I wasnt maintaining any sort of a diet, and as time went on i found myself hungrier if anything and was easily eating 25% more food than ever before. Yet by around week 8-10 my abs were clearer than ever before.
During that same initial 8-10 weeks i actually gained 3-4 pounds, and had definitely put on some solid lean muscle and over the next few months my entire physique had transformed.

I realize this probably sounds like its difficult to believe, but im not here selling anyone anything... i will never have a rediculous ad pointing to some nonsense supplement that i claim works like gh BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE! Stay awy from any supplement claiming to boost your gh production because theyre all bulls***!
Im simply sick and tired of the lies about gh, and i firmly believe.. no i know gh can change lives, i believe it should be the first option for depression perhaps along with other medications if necessary, the first option for fibromyalgia, and for anyone that has a career that breaks down their body, and a whole host of other issues.
This substance is our body's master hormone for a reason. In reality it shouldnt be called growth hormone, it should be called rejuvenation hormone..
Some of the medical community would have us believe its potentially dangerous, but show me the proof! I cant help but think its just big pharma that wants to restrict its use because they are aware it could replace many other medications, and itd effect their profit and sales.
I encourage everyone to read about it, talk to people that actually use gh if you think it might be something that can help change your life for the better.
This is NOT medical advice in any way, but is something worth looking into if youre suffering.

Any questions - im happy to answer.

(Im not a writer, so please forgive my lacking grammar etc..)


It is very helpful and in homeopathic form used quite often if people test on it .I agree with you often people do need it and doctors are just unaware of it's uses.

How do you find a doctor that's cool with prescribing it?

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