discussion and suggestions on battling allergy, please?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

No commercial please. Also, methods that work or don’t work for me might be different to you. Just want to learn more and pick those that work for you or me. Thanks.

Allergy season now :( Many of my friends and I are suffering. Will appreciate if you can share your experience in this topic.

It is allergy seasons now and so many people are suffering! Anybody want to talk about their experience of fighting allergy? Interesting enough, Claritin and Allegra only made my nose feel dry but still blocked. Anybody feel that, too? I am currently trying local honey. Got some honey from my city and the honey farmer told me to take one tea spoon each day before bed. I am also trying essential oil roll-Ons. Will share how those work.


I have terrible allergies almost year round. What works for me is never go outside and avoid all house work, dusting, sweeping etc. : ) kidding of course. (sort of)

I've found that should I need to do things that I know will cause an allergic reaction like mowing the grass. I will breath slow and relaxed without flaring my nostrils or breath in through my mouth and out my nose. Breathing in through your mouth isn't exactly good for your lungs but its often better then a snotty nose. If you do get snotty, the worst thing you can do is blow your nose with force. If you have to blow do it extremely gently. Snorting it back up is better then blowing too hard. Snorting is another thing I try to avoid. The hairs in your nose are like a filter if you snort you're essentially bypassing this filter or taking the junk that is caught there further in. One last suggestion is don't rub your nose , this will just aggravate things and make it worse. All that pollen and dander in your nose filter is just getting smashed into the lining of your nose and will just cause a worse reaction.

That's it for my completely unscientific but experiencially supported suggestions.

And one I havn't tried, for a stuffy nose, that might work:
Clear your sinuses in 20 seconds with accupressure

Thank you! Can't agree with the nose blowing procedure more! I have been having a feeling about blowing it hard is not good but didn't really think about that. Also the rubbing. Thanks!

According to WebMD, the local honey idea is not likely to work.


Thank you! Wish the study said how long the doctors did the research. Some people said they had to take a whole year in order to prevent allergy for next year. Oh mine.

Sometimes allergies can be battled by getting your body used to being exposed to what triggers the reaction over a long phase. This is used in medicine, and honey can have similar effects when it contains those things.
Too bad there's no cat-honey, I would definitely try that on my gf.

Eat More Plants
...and try some of the many other easily accessible nutrients available, you'll be surprised.

Getting a diversity of plants in your diet is important for giving your body the information it needs to respond adequately to its environment. In addition to all the benefits your body will receive from eating nutrient rich (organic) or homegrown leafy greens, and crunchy roots, there are a whole host of plant compounds which enable your body to eliminate histamine, and the resulting inflammation.

Here are some of the more effective plants and nutrients for histamine reduction and overall health.

  • Tulsi (Holy Basil) - An adaptogen prized for it's balancing effects on the body, also naturally antihistamine.
    -Side effects will likely include restful sleep, tranquil mind, less stress, more energy.
    -Try it as a tea.
  • Turmeric - Powerful anti-inflammatory with antihistamine properties.
    -Side effects will likely include improved circulation, flexibility, digestion, healthy 'glowing' skin.
    -Try capsules or fresh root if you can find it. Search recipe's for "golden milk" online.
  • Stinging Nettles - Another great one to calm down congestion and irritation, seemingly ironic due to its topical "stinging" characteristics.
    -Try it as a tea, with 0% stinging ;)
    -Side effects will likely include healthier skin, decongestion, better digestion.
  • Vitamin C - The classic vitamin antihistamine. If you do nothing else just take some Vitamin C, on a regular basis. Increase dosage slowly here, because on this one... Side effects may include diarrhea. Most people can safely approach 2000mg before any intestinal discomfort occurs. But just start slow and increase over time. Of course other side effects may include better immune system, and protection from oxidative stress.
  • Bee Pollen - From a local source, if you have access, is also quite good. You were on the right track with honey, but it's the pollen which seems to tame allergies... no wonder, again with the like-cures-like principle, you let bees gather pollen from all around you, and ingesting small amounts is not only nutritious, it's full of good information your body can use to adapt to it's environment.

There are truly a near limitless number of beneficial plants you can bring into your life to improve your health and vitality. These are just the first ones that came to mind for allergy season. Tulsi is delicious as a tea. Turmeric is pungent, and spicy, but really good in a curry, or in golden milk with milk, ghee, and honey. Most people won't find much exciting about the taste of nettle... but it feels good in the body, and soon you'll be enjoying that 'green' taste. Vitamin C, c'mon, there are lot's of tasty options -- kiwis, oranges, camu camu, rosehip tea, or just take capsules. Lastly, Bee Pollen is pretty tasty in small doses.

Hope this helps!

Thank you! I will try!

I pretend I don't have allergies, go outside more often and get all lathered up in pollen until my nose is dripping, eyes are damn near glued together and my nose is raw from the tissues. The more I do this, the less it bothers me to go outside amongst the pollen beast.

I'm not sure if I'm building up a higher tolerance or not, but I prefer this over taking some pill that makes me feel like sh@t all day long, dries me up on the inside (which is almost as bad as the allergy itself) and makes me want to sleep most of the day.

In other words, I have no real solution other than to just deal with it ... like a real man. ;)

Allergies get worse every time you're exposed to the allergen. It's the opposite of building up a tolerance.

Dammit! Well, as I mentioned in another thread since I started taking this ProBio someone sent me I've yet to sneeze or have any reaction while being outside. I can't say for sure if it's from taking this stuff or if the pollen count has been low, but it's very odd for me to go outside without sneezing constantly this time of year. I was in the yard all morning watering plants and again had no issues. I have either found a solution or am getting very lucky.

Stuff you put into your eyes or nose never worked for me, but antihistamine does. I have been taking it for a few years now and it keeps working. It also helps suprisingly quickly.

Try "ProBio 5". Worked for me within a day or two. I will be recommending this stuff to anyone who will listen. :)

Update : I still haven't sneezed while outside. It's incredible. My allergies are completely gone it seems.

Local honey is a good start. Some local beekeepers will also have bee pollen available, which supposedly is a stronger remedy. Check a local health food store and see if they have a good homeopathic supplement. These use natural ingredients and help your body adjust to the allergens. Vacuum the heck out of your house and try to get rid of as much dust as possible, as dust mites might be aggravating your allergies. The well-known natural physician Dr. Andrew Weil also recommends taking nettle and quercetin. Here is more advice from him:

I have tried many things, serrapeptase works best for me. It's not 100%, but my diet isn't the greatest either. Plus, it's fairly cheap and easily available. I use Doctor's Best brand. Give it a try.

I also consume a variety of herbs, I am sure that is helpful as well. I really like stinging nettle. A good strong infusion of it is quite nourishing in addition whatever other benefits it may provide.