Wakey, Wakey, Rise & Shine!!!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Good Morning Y'all


I cannot speak for any of you guys but I have a bad habit of pushing myself for days and days on end, getting one late night after another and then eventually after a few days, I begin to feel depleted, run down, completely EMO and well… utterly EXHAUSTED! My mind and body literally begin to short circuit and then INSIST that I CRASH!

Which I inevitably do… and will head to bed at pretty much the same time as my 8 year old son… which is approx. 8.30pm…

And then… I wake up feeling ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS – and I tell myself that I should really get early nights more often, I nod my head internally and start my day… and then I get stuck into whatever it is that I have to do with great enthusiasm and it runs away with me, I look again and I have pulled another all-nighter and I start the whole breakdown process again…. Hahaha!!!

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WHYYYYYY?!!!!! Lol

When will I (we) ever learn how hugely beneficial adequate amounts of sleep are! I must have read hundreds of articles from some of the most successful people in the world and each and every one of them will tell you the same thing… don’t try and stay up later to achieve more – rather get to bed earlier and wake up earlier to do the stuff that you had intended to do the night before. Your mind is a lot more alert and you will work a lot faster through it all too.

Yes, I know there are people who actually manage to thrive on very little sleep, but I have known for many years that I am most certainly not one of them haha!

I was told by someone on discord this morning that I seem very happy today… haha!!! I wonder what that means I seem like every other day ;) lol!!!

Anyhooo, that’s my random brain fart for the morning!

Happy Tuesday peeps….



Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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This is my problem too! In the end you just burn yourself out so do the right thing, Jaynie. Put down the wine glass, have a nice cup of Rooibos and get to bed! Really sound advice! Actually putting it into practice is much harder 😁

hahaha true story! and I did an all nighter again last night... never learn hey @anglotrucker lol ;) But at least it is now school holidays.... so a little reprieve, as I dont have to wake up so early. lol

Have a nice Easter with your boy! :)

Thank you so much @anglotrucker. Hope you have a fabulous one with your family and friends too x

Yey... I also run the same circle of breaking down before I take the sleep I truly deserve. Of course I know this isn't healthy, but I find it almost impossible to overcome my work addiction.

We all need to take our foot off the gas sometimes so as not to breakdown.

Have a fulfilling Tuesday @jaynie

Thank you. I had a lovely day! Hope you did too.

Yea a lovely morning to you to.....it all about being good and doing good
Have a fun filled day

Absolutely :) and thank you!!

Well, I am in desperate need of an early night. Haven't had a decent night's sleep for nearly a week: too much wine on Wednesday because it was a public holiday meant a late night. And then the sh!t hit the fan on Thursday things, and since then, it's all been a bit weird - dealing with that news and generally getting on with things at the same time which has meant honouring social and un-planned work-related engagements - like tonight. So, it's an early night for me/us tomorrow! Happy hump day tomorrow....

Sounds CRAZY @fionasfavourites and yes, I can only imagine that it would feel rather compounded by the emotional side of things :( Hope you are feeling a little better today xxxxx

Sadly, news this morning of the death of longtime friend and mentor, Bill. Crazy mad old man. Featured in my first ever post without a picture today. But the sun rose. It will set. They live in our memories. Forever xxx

oh wow fiona :( what a week..... Love and hugs to you both xxx

I run the same kind of schedule myself. I'm a night owl and find myself spending nights on the computer, trying not to wake anyone. Two or three AM rolls around and I force myself to bed lol.

Yip and I went and did that again last night... hahahaha! DOH!

Almost exactly what I did last night! I was showered and passed out by 9:30pm. That is SUPER early for me as I tend to be nocturnal. However, lately, I feel been running at 100 miles per hour all day long. I have a lot going on, but I like to get things done! I am learning to say no more often and concentrate more on self-care.

Yes, something we ALL need to learn to do a little more of actually :)

Yes!! This was me on Friday night. Fell a sleep at 8:30 and got up at 5 a.m. feeling fab!

and then me again last night.... going to bed at 1.30am again hahahaha :)

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