"An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away" | Three fascinating benefits of Apples

in #health7 years ago

You may have heard of the saying which goes "An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". Allow me to present a brief scientific review of the benefits of this scrumptious delicacy: La Manzanas!

Source: Markus Magnusson (2016). retrieved from dribbble.com

Apple: Malus domestica

Apples are among the most abundant and most popular fruits on the planet. They were once primarily cultivated in the fertile soils of Asia and Europe but was propagated around the world by colonization. Their seeds made its way to international soil and since then grown into roughly 7,500 variations of species all over the world (OrganicFacts, 2018).

lifelessonsfromprincesses_dribbble 2.jpg
Source: Jerrod Maruyama (2014) retrieved from dribble.com

In the medical field, apples are regarded as the façade of health. In education, it can be noted how teachers are usually given apples to represent gratitude. What then makes this fruit so beneficial to the body. I will present to you 3 of the health benefits that I find to be really fascinating:

Bowel Movement

Apples are excellent sources of dietary fiber. For the information of everyone, fiber acts as a broom to cleanse the bowel of the toxic wastes we take in. Have you ever noticed how easier it is to excrete your wastes after eating fruits? Eating an apple is an excellent way to help prevent constipation and diarrhea.

Imagine your colon as a tunnel with its walls constantly moving in a wave like motion. If a lot of people are the tunnel without an object to push it, the movement will be sluggish. Because the skins of apples are not easily digested, these add to the bulk of your waste and makes it easier to push the contents of your colon outside your system. These are wastes after all and need to be eliminated immediately.

So the next time, you are having difficulty in eliminating you bowel, try eating an apple.

Weight Control

Eating complex carbohydrates is always better than simpler chains of sugars. Most Filipinos are avid rice eaters with white rice being a simple sugar. We consume a lot of rice in one sitting only to find ourselves hungry once more and the next meals still hours away. This is what simple carbs do to our body.

Eating food choices high in complex carbohydrates make it easier to have a feeling of fullness without eating too much. Because they are complex chains of sugars, it takes the body more time to digest, giving you a stable source of energy throughout the day. This prevents you from eating too much in each meal and reduces the need to eat a lot in one sitting

If you are trying to lose weight or simply wanting a healthy choice of meal, eating an apple today is a fresh start to you choice of fitness.

Vitamins and Minerals

Apples are packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Apples are great sources of Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Sodium, Copper and Zinc (Decuypere, J.D., MD, 2018). These are among the minerals needed by the body to function properly.

These are just some of the benefits that this fruit can give. Surely there are a lot of other essential vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants contained in one apple which can aid in your system which I will not look further into. Point is, most of our diet do not contain essential nutrients with the advent of instant meals and processed food. It may be vital to cut back on those and look into fresh sources of minerals and vitamins.

Hopefully this has given you a short insight as to how essential this fruit can be. Let us be fit together!


You should have also noted that apples in most supermarkets are too old to give you any benefits. It was measured you would have to eat about 38 average apples from the supermarket to get the benefits of eating just one fresh picked from the garden.

yum! for sure i'll ask my hubby to buy apples tomorrow, as simple fruit arhat but lots of benefits, and imagine? 7500 variations??i think i've only eaten 2 of them 😁 , thanks for sharing this po , an inspiration and model for newbies like me 👍👏❤️❤️❤️👶

apple's one of my favorites. yesss!!! It has more health benefits than we know. thanks for sharing

How about eating the apple ''before'' you sleep?

what do you think of the many benefits of consuming apple

El comer manzanas aumenta la libido

My favorite fruit apple!

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