Green Flushers: Saluyot,Apple and Cucumber
Saluyot, Apple and Cucumber
Ingredients: saluyot,apple and cucumber
- Wash Ingredients
- Cut apple and cucumber just enough to fit juicer entrance
- Roll saluyot inyo a ball. Feed this into the juicer first follwed by cucumber and then the apple to help push saluyot through
Health Benefits:

- Good for the eyes(vitamin A)
- Helps prevents wrinkles (vitamin E)
- Good in treati g digestive problems such as diarrhea,stomach ache,dysentery,constipation,and ulcers(sliminess)

- Facilitates easy passage of stool
- Regulates high blood pressure
- Good for losing weight
- Promotes heart health
- Helps prevesnts the hardening of arteries
- Helps thwart asthma attacks
- Flushes out toxins
- Act as liver cleanser
- Helps prevent cancer when juiced with skin
apple's highest nutrients are found on the skin or just below the skin

- Helps sharpen memory
- Lowers the risk for breast ,uterine,ovarian and prostate cancers
- Helps combat stress
- Aids in healthy digestion
- Lends support to heart health