5 Simple steps you MUST take to loose weight.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

5 Simple steps you MUST take to loose weight.

  1. Get your food addictions under control - Self control!
  2. You must exercise, there is no way out of this, you MUST do it.
  3. Eat healthy, nutrition is paramount
  4. Increase your water intake.
  5. Reduce your portion sizes.

Now I'll explain in detail

  1. Food addictions.
    Any food that provides energy is potentially addictive. Your body has evolved to survive. Your brain controls how your body conserves and uses energy to ensure your survival. The more energy you intake the more your brain will want of it and it will simply store what you don't use as fat. Those unstoppable urges you get to eat chocolate, bread, pasta and fried food are symptoms of your food addition. Your brain simply wants more the good stuff so it can insure your survival. But you must take back control, because if you can't break your additions any weight loss you do obtain is likely to be temporarily. So self control is paramount. You have spent years allowing your brain to control your eating habits, it has the upper hand, but you can and must regain control. If you can achieve self control it will lead to many other benefits for you. Benefits in your business and your personal life, you will become a better version of you. You will come more awesome than you are now. The bottom line, if you cannot obtain self control, you will never loose weight. Period and end of story. The good news it's really not that hard to regain control. There are strategies you can use, and I will explore those in part two.

  2. Exercise! Energy in and energy out. If you stick more energy in your mouth than the energy your body uses you will get fat. That is unless your'e one of those freaky and annoying people that have super fast metabolisms.. don't you hate those people? Just kidding.. they are just one of the lucky ones. Bottom line, you MUST exercise, but be sensible about it, don't go overboard.

  3. Weight loss food is often boring and if it doesn't taste good you won't keep on eating it. It is absolutely VITAL that you eat good tasting food. Food that has a good balance of minerals and vitamins. Fat and sugar content is important also but nutrition is paramount. Without nutrition your body will suffer and you will feel like crap. Lack of certain vitamins can lead to depression and then you will eat more to feel better and the viscous cycle continues. Eat healthy, just watch the carbs, fats and sugars and keep them to a sensible level.

  4. Most of us are dehydrated to some degree but we are not aware of it. Graze on water all day, not great gulps at one time. Also understand that if you drink diuretics like drinks with caffeine and alcohol you will pee out a lot of the water you consume, so it becomes a pointless exercise. Your body detects caffeine and alcohol as a poison and the best way it has to deal with poisons is to get it out of the body asap. Best to keep the coffee and alcohol down to a sensible level. Also keep in mind alcohol is a VERY potent source of energy, thats why your brain wants it. Drinking loads of alcohol will put you on a fast track to becoming fat.

  5. Portion control is so important, if you cut your portion size down by a quarter in the first week and another quarter in the second you will hardly notice it. The goal is reduce to half what you are eating now. Do that, exercise and control your food addictions you will loose weight!

Now, if you have enjoyed reading up to this point and want to know more, like self control strategies and how to exercise in a sensible and productive manner. Then please up vote me, the more votes I get the motivated I will feel to write section 2.



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