What is the danger of having gazillions of free radicals? Part 2

in #health7 years ago

Cells are the building blocks of life. If I will look at my right hand while writing this post, how many cells are in my little finger, my whole hand and my whole sexy body? Do you have a clue? Scientists have estimated a body to have trillions of cells, imagine that!

Now, what is the count difference between my petite body and incredible hulk?

Don't get overwhelmed as not all free radicals are harmful. For the sake of this post, we will talk about the bad ones only.

The DOMINO effect

Now, a free radical to be stable will need another. Come what may.

If a free radical, one way or another, is ever present in most of our cells, this unpaired electron will find a way to attach itself to another electron. May it be from another free radical floating around or from another neighbouring cell. It will be good if it chooses wisely and get another like itself, paired and be merry.

But what if it chooses a healthy cell? And another? A thousand to billions? To a trillion? Here is where the problem lies, where these occurrences can damage our normal and healthy cells. Quietly and internally.

What about oxidation?

Remember those cells who have lost their unpaired electrons? They are still there, they are our ever present cells, until they are oxidised. 

My research keeps showing me an apple and  a metal iron as examples. So let's chose the apple.

An apple when newly sliced looks juicy, crunchy and have that normal fresh colour that invites you to have a bite. True? How about leaving it out in the open for an hour or a day? Will it still look appealing to eat? Upon slicing it, the process of oxidation also starts, till you see a recognisable discolouration after some time. It gets brownish right? I swear i've eaten an apple with some discolouration in it. But leave it a while longer and the consistency changes.

Will you still eat an aged apple? That's what happens in an oxidised cell. I said gazillions, remember? 

Is it possible that this is happening very second of everyday?

Disclaimer: image from joeyhawks.weebly.com

As free radicals are linked to numerous health problems, are normally present and naturally occurring in our body, what can we do to even consider preventing its' growth and effects?


Footers by @bearone and @thekittygirl, gif @ninjace and @deveerei


Extraordinary example of the apple, to explain the harmfulness of free radicals that are harmful to the human body, the knowledge of what we can do to help our body stay in balance will give us a better quality of life.

Definitely and we know that lols...hard to be healthy though😂😁
But can we give up our steak? Some can.

And I though I was infected with some kind of disease when I was little after taking a bite of an apple and seeing it turned to brown a few seconds later. 😂 It was then when I was in college that I discovered that oxidation has taken place when the flesh of the apple got exposed to air. Thank for this wonderful post @immarojas

Apple seemed a nicer example than a rusty metal😁

Indeed ma'am @immarojas. Rusting is just very common example. Apples are way cuter, and healthier 😀

what I loved most is when you declare your sexy body.... LOL.. Healthy tips from a healthy you!!

Love yourself daw.

yeah.. absolutely.. you cant love if you don't love yourself.. san galling yun!!

Which one? un mansanas?

Great image of the apple, but few people know why that saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is so true? Well one thing it does (without specifics as it is an upcoming blog of mine), is that it helps the body rid the free radicals. Sorry for the interruption, just thought I would throw that out there.

Ahaha Remind me to check your post before i'll do the next one. I can use it as my reference even so post away!

It seems from the moment we are born, we begin to fight the death process 💀 Everything is trying to kill us 😭

Ahahaha that's ageing for you... from day 1!

Hahaha... A sexy body of you? Hihihi... Gazillions! It's huge! But I still eat apple even this is color brown... LOL, Because inside of it is still crunchy! Hehehe... I don't want to waste food... Hihihi... Strong stomach! LOL

Sayang, kamahal noh!

UU sayang hehehe... (^_^)

Wow, amazing picture and excellent handicraft.

Courtesy of the web mate!