Dangers of Low Energy States in the Human Body

in #health8 years ago

Hello Steemians,

As you know I'm not only a Dr I also teach student Drs and I do community health outreach.
This is a mixture of both.

Radiology relies entirely upon the fact that the body responds to energy and we can measure these fields and interpret what they mean. What we are discovering is that more often than not, many disease states have their root cause in energy imbalance. When the energy imbalance is not causative then it is almost always symptomatic. Allow me to explain.

Have you ever wondered how and why the human body is constantly making energy?
Most of our cells have a full time job just managing our energy reserves, maintaining adequate amounts for each cell to function.

Most disease states do their damage because they act parasitically and rob us of our energy.
This is the reason why some symptoms and signs are presently in nearly all disorders.

Let me give you an example.

In diabetes most people think that the first signs are that you eat, drink and pee more.
The first symptom is really just weakness and shortness of breath.

The first signs of many disease states are that we breathe faster and are out of breath most of the time.

This is because most diseases will interfere with our natural energy cycle, making the body work more to replenish our reserves. Our body's primary concern is regulation of it's energy cycle.

If we want to know which cells will be affected the most, all we have to do is think which cells in our body are rapidly dividing.

Mitosis or "cell division" translates directly to increased energy consumption by the cell.
This is the same as saying the most active cells need more energy constantly.

These cells are the skin cells, gastrointestinal and bone marrow.
When energy levels are depleted, we tend to see dry skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia etc.
So with this you see how one concept explains all of the most common symptoms and signs easily and why they are so prolific and why they can all be early warning signs that something is wrong.

This is also why the first advice of any good doctor involves looking at exercise and diet.

If this isn't clear, let me ask you this...
All surgery patients are asked for a chest radiograph and urinalysis, do you know why?

Which infections are seen the most in low energy state?

Well two places require a lot of energy expenditure to avoid bacteria growing too much.

These are the respiratory & urinary tracts.
In our modern world, we know that the most common infections are respiratory and urinary and mostly this is a direct result of a sedentary lifestyle.

With this small understanding, we can uncover so much information that can help us be healthier.

So with this, what is the most frequent cause of dry skin, brittle hair etc. , LOW ENERGY STATE.

But what is actually meant by "low energy state"?

When medical professionals say "low energy state", we don't mean metaphysical concepts such as Qi or "spiritual energy".

Those practices appear to work based on placebo affect.
There is no scientific support at all for these metaphysical concepts, that's why they are called "metaphysics" and"alternative medicine". But sometime things that sound crazy, end up describing things we never realized, so I like to keep an open mind.

The body IS driven by energy, I see this every day in my practice and we have very expensive machines that help us visualize this energy down to the smallest details.

This isn't spiritual energy tough, it is electrochemical energy and this energy must be balanced.

We're finding out that contrary to popular science, each person's optimal energy balance is unique to them.

At it's core, each cell in the body is a battery.
There is a chemical reaction that takes place between oxygen and ATP (little packets of fuel for the body) when this reaction occurs it releases electrical energy and something else...

"free radicals", a type of molecule that can do damage to the cell if the right nutrients aren't in place to mediate it.

These free radicals do actual damage to the cell, but don't worry, the cell has methods of repairing this damage.

This is why science tells us that anti-oxidants are good for you.
They scavenge free radicals and also reduce oxidative stress.

Yes oxidative stress, each time the cells in your body process a packet of ATP into energy, your cells oxidize.

What's another word for oxidation?
Rust! You rust from the inside out, with every breath you take.

Yet fire is also a type of oxidation and if life can be said to have a "spark", then this is it.

The cell undergoing energy processing produces a literal EM field and this field is not present in dead cells.
This field is minute on a cell by cell basis, but this cumulative field is what we measure when we say "energy state".
A few millivolts in either direction can mean the difference between being on top of the world and praying for a quick death.

But while this energy field is detectable with machinery, the only machinery that can alter it is your own.
No one can sell you a device to alter this. No crystal is going to fix it and no black magic sorcerer can either.

The energy state, is symptomatic of energy processing efficiency.

Exercise is the fastest way of fixing it.
Exercise builds muscle mass, burns fat and directly increases respiratory capacity.
Your body will literally build new lung and muscle tissue in response to exercise.

You don't have to live at the gym either. You can start small and simple with baby steps.
Get an egg timer, set it for an hour and set it each time you sit down at your desk.
When it goes off, go for a walk for 10 or 15 minutes.

Post a sign in your house with something like "Why am I not walking?" then hang your keys there.
Every time you go to grab your car keys you'll see the sign and it will help remind you that maybe it would be better to walk to wherever it is you are going.

Even just walking 30 minutes a day, 3 or 4 times a week will build muscle and it's predominately muscle including heart muscle that corrects and modulates this energy balance.

The more muscle mass you build, the less likely you are to store energy as fat.

The second most important thing you can do is to eat regular meals of normal i.e. not junk food and avoid processed foods. You are evolved to find and eat natural foods, so find and eat natural foods wherever possible.

Unless your doctor is telling you otherwise, you don't need a special diet.

But eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables a serving of lean protein and going sparingly on anything that is processed, especially grains is essential to maintaining a healthy balance.
You don't really need fiber products, an apple a day is more than sufficient fiber for most people.

Also I don't recommend a "gluten free" diet unless you have specific allergies, but all grains and cereals have a heavy metabolic cost to process and gluten is a by product of that.

It takes immediately available energy and converts it into "long term energy reserves", also known as fat.
Fat is great if you're a bear and need to go 4 months a year without eating, but not so great if you're a person who has ready access to a grocery store.

The third most important item is to drink sufficient water so you don't feel dehydrated.

But don't over do it, these "water challenge" fads do more damage than good.
They drain the body of valuable minerals and electrolytes and cause additional unneeded stresses on the body.

Your body is evolved to let you know when you are thirsty.
When you are thirsty drink.
But drink water, not carbonated sodas, even diet sodas.

These may make you feel good at first, but the body pays a penalty because these throw your systems out of balance by altering natural processes that evolution spent billions of years getting right just for you.

Finally, get rest. When you're tired, you're tired.
Take a nap, there is nothing wrong with this. Also try to get the sleep your body requires.

There is a myth about 8hrs of sleep, it varies a lot from person to person. Some people do great on 4hrs of sleep, others need 10 to feel their best.
What isn't a myth is sleep deficit. Your body needs the sleep in order to heal. This is what sleeping does, it cleans up the junk and toxins in the body and the brain.
These toxins build up over time and if you miss an hour of sleep, you'll need to make up for it the next day or it can begin to do permanent damage.

We all now live in a world that we are not evolved to thrive in. The modern world is hazardous to our health.
Get plenty of exercise, eat well, drink plenty and sleep much.

Your body will begin to restore it's own natural energy balance.
As it does, use the extra "I feel great!" time, to increase your physical activity levels and you'll find that you feel a little better every day and if you feel better, you will be better.

Finally, barring any specific disease, long term patient outcomes are more correlated with attitude, emotion and belief than any particular medical treatment so the final tip.
Smile more and have a positive attitude, you'll feel better and so will everyone else.



Nice post @imaxess, glad to see some physicians joining the site! We could use some legitimate medical knowledge here. Thank you for joining us!

Thank you. This is very much appreciated. I'm glad to bring some value. This platform is an excellent outreach tool.

Agreed, there are a good many of us here (me included) who are using this platform as a way of doing outreach for our respective fields! I followed you, looking forward to your future content! Hope to learn some good stuff.

There is so much potential for all fields to demystify ourselves.
I look forward to hearing more from you as well. I am following you also. I'm excited to see more professionals as well.

This is like an owner's manual for the human body! Basic things to do, to stay healthy. But this should have some weight, coming from a doctor. I hope a lot of people see this and do a mental check of their own lifestyle to see if they can improve in any of these areas.

Thanks for sharing this excellent article! I will share it by resteeming and sharing it on Facebook and Twitter.

You're welcome and thank you for sharing it. Spreading the word about how simple it can be to start having a healthy lifestyle is important.

Wow! Great post and umm I'm guessing this one was directed at me. Alright I will cut out the pizza and soda and give it a shot!
Upvoted and resteemed!

Yes. Please follow. I don't want to hear again that your grandmother will probably outlive yiu! ;)

Thank you very much! Followed you as well.

Great article. You stress the importance of proper health maintenance. Your article stresses the importance of how to maintain health, the natural state of the body.

Thank you! If you got that from the article, then it was mission accomplished for me for the day.

I think there's so much focus on the cosmetic effects of sedentary life, people think "so long as I'm not fat, I'm healthy".

I am on a Paleo-Diet. As in, I eat when I am hungry. Too many wacko diets out there!

That's true and something I forgot to mention. You should eat to live, not live to eat. That means to feel satiated but not stuffed. The feeling of being stuffed can cause your body to go into a "energy storage mode" which is another way of saying it can cause you to over produce insulin to cover the sugar and this will cause it to be stored as more fat. It's ok once in awhile, but if you overeat or binge eat or even just snack a bit too much, your whole system can go out of whack.


As I have already said in your introductory post, I am glad to be able to read informative post on medical science. Outreach is important (that is why it would be great to have on board scientists from many fields of research)!

I am also happy to learn that you are open-minded with respect to alternative medicines (to be clear, I have and I will never say those must replace the more standard way).

Open minded, but when you're talking about patients in many cases anything that can make them feel better is fine. The real danger is when these practitioners do not screen for real disease states and instead act in their own monetary interests.
The best alternative medicine there is, is simply to smile, eat well, have a positive outlook and try not to be so sedentary.

If someone is seeking alternative medicine, they should seek conventional medicine first. Most disease can be treated and cured with no long term ill effects if it's caught early enough. So learn to listen to your body.

What think that I have noticed here in France, is that the doctors are actually listening less and less to the patients. Which is a pity as people are curious. And this is probably why fakes and incorrect practices are getting more and more influence :(

Thanks. Great advice. Very useful while I am fighting of a flu like illness. Seems I caught the valley fever from the Santa Ana winds. But I m already much better today, and motivated with this post!

This is awesome, thanks @imaxess, I'd love to hear what you think about notropics.


There's what I think, what science is telling us and what I'm allowed to say considering the ethics involved in prescribing medicine to people who aren't sick but could benefit from it especially in the short term.
Really we don't know what the long term effects are but I can predict they probably aren't good.

I'll give it some thought, but maybe I can get a neurologist to come by and do a better job.

Thank you for the encouragement and good idea for a future topic.

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