Hello - Ivor 90 'Steeming' In.
90 last Birthday - years beyond the barrier - and what was once a magic flute - is now a water carrier.
But is it - What about the poor chap who rang the incontinence help line and was put on hold
You're old when you think you've still got it,but find that nobody wants it !
I experienced that recently when -
Living near a hospital and trudging to collect my newspaper each morning I pass nursing staff going on duty.Just recently I've been on nodding terms with an attractive lady.
She was walking on the opposite pavement one morning, which emboldened me to call across -" What do I have to get to be nursed by you ? " Laughingly she called back - " Pregnant
My name is Ivor Vale: A 90-year-old retired businessman living in The U.K. I owned and ran, together with my late wife, ‘The Marches’ a very successful health and nutrition shop and restaurant in Hereford U.K for 32 years (1972 – 2004). I like sharing knowledge and helping others on the topic of health, aging, fitness and self-improvement.
Briefly -
Born 1926.Hereford U.K. Home of the white face Hereford Cattle.
Left school 1940. First job - Bakers van boy.
1941 - Bus Company Parcel Boy.
1944 - Wartime army conscription. served in India.Burma.
Sorry about this picture.Don't know what I've done wrong there.
1946 Demobbed from army.Returned to bus company as bus conductor. Then Bus Driver. -
1951 - 1953 Street lighting equipment factory storeman.
1953 - 1961- Promoted to factory Assistant Transport & Distribution Manager -
1961- 1972 Transport & Distribution Manager for a frozen food company.
1972 Own Business.The Marches. Health & Nutrition.Shop & Restaurant.
I was lucky with the timing in that the perception of the general public to health foods was beginning to change from cranky to fashionable.
The initial restaurant seating was 60,and we expanded to 200 within 3 years thanks to next door properties becoming vacant. If ever there was an example of 'Meant to Be' this was it.
People queued up the street most lunch times.Traffic Wardens said The Marches was the second most asked for place by visitors to Hereford after The Cathedral.
2004 we were talking about retiring when my wife died suddenly and unexpectedly from an Aneurysm.
I sold up and retired.
I've kept busy with a rambling club,writing,family gatherings,reading,coffee morning socialising,
I often meet people who were customers and we reminisce.Last week a gentleman said "Do you remember me coming in to your shop and asking if you had anything for hiccups ? You gave me a thump on the back and said is that better ? I said I don't know,it's the wife,she's out in the car, I'll go and ask her"
I need not have put you through all the foregoing when this little ditty sums it up.
When I was young, my slippers were red,
I could kick up my heels right over my head,
When I grew older my slippers were blue,
But still I could dance the whole night through.
Now I am old, my slippers are black.
I walk to the store and puff my way back;
The reason I know my youth is all spent,
My get up and go has got up and went.
But I really don't mind, when I think with a grin
Of all the grand places my get up has been.
Since I have retired from life's competition,
I busy myself with complete repetition.
I get up each morning, dust off my wits,
Pick up my paper, and read the "Obits,"
If my name is missing, I know I'm not dead.
So I eat a good breakfast, and go back to bed."
Unfortunately, due to recent personal misfortune I’d like to earn again. Hence these exploratory posts on Steemit. Nothing to lose in trying.It provides a purpose, something to do, excites me, and if it’s good enough might just bring some pennies. If it does yippee, I’ll write more, if not, try again.
What do you think?
I’ve also just started an amazon store for another of my interest’s movies music and games at https://wanted.shopbuilder.co/
image credit cartoon old man on zimmer http://www.story-lovers.com
Hi Ivor, welcome to steemit!
Looks like you are doing well so far; I am up vote number 100 for this post!
I think you will enjoy being here. There are a lot of friendly people, and health and travel articles have done well on steemit.
In case you do not know, in the very early days of YouTube, there was an English gentleman born in '27 who quickly became the most popular person on the entire site! You have joined steemit in its very early days, and you may draw inspiration from the story of one of your peers. You can read about Peter Oakley, known on YouTube as geriatric1927, at this wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Oakley
Best wishes to you!
Thank you Kenny for your kind and interesting words. I've just read the Peter Oakley article.Fascinating.Many similarities. I will look at some of his videos for inspiration later today.Sorting out priorities for my time might become an issue. Coffee mornings,family,walking,watching horse racing most afternoons,writing the next post for Steemit ! But hey, better to have that problem than - I'm bored,what can I do ?
Best regards
Peter was a great guy! I had some interactions with him on YouTube and other websites. I love the fact that you are trying out steemit and I do think you will enjoy sharing whatever you choose to write about.
Sounds like you have a full satisfying schedule! Nothing boring about it, which is good. Maybe you can write something about horse racing sometime. I went occasionally to Aquaduct and Roosevelt Raceway when I lived in NY and then Gulfstream Park when I lived near Miami. Are you watching the horses live, or on TV? Do you wager on the ponies? I always enjoyed seeing them live, and betting small stakes.
I have Followed you, and look forward to your future writings!
Kenny. Sorry just noticed a comment from you about my interest in horse racing. Still finding my way around Steemit.I've got interested in horse racing in retirement. On TV mainly. Haydock Park today.Will have a small bet on the big race at 3.15pm. I watch some racing from the States. That is a good suggestion of yours for a post.Of the funny experience I had at Newbury race course.Well my family thought it funny anyway.
Sounds like one of my patients..don't you go skiing or snowboarding in Milton Keynes to get the nurses' attention. You need to be having a heart attack to get mine.
Welcome ijavee!! Your stories will be hilarious am sure!
Thank you. I like what you say. Yes I have a fund of stories from the shop and restaurant days.Problem is time.You sound like just the cheer up tonic to help your patients
Wow, welcome to steemit Ivor! 90 years old and into the latest and greatest in social media technology, you are leaving my eldest relatives in the dust!
Thank you. Yes I am lucky.I had experience with computers early in the company I worked for. It was big and had a room of it's own. I also had one of the first Amstrad desk tops.
Include the younger ones ;)
Thank you
Hi Ivor. I'm a nutrition coach and natural therapist from New Zealand. I;m looking forward to you sharing some of your experiences and knowledge about health, so am following you now.
The key to success is building relationships, so follow people, make comments, post regularly and be patient!
There are a few of us here in our 50s, 60s, and 70s, but I'm pretty sure you're the oldest. Three gentlemen in their 70s (or close to) that you might like to get to know @everittdmickey, @richq11 and I think the other one was @ianstrat
Hi kiwideb. Good to know you especially as we both believe that nature is best. I probably am the oldest.I always seem to be these days. I copy the reply I sent to steevc - Thank you. I'm always the oldest wherever I am ! Walking through a churchyard with the ramblers and someone shouted "Hey Ivor you're the oldest in here as well !
That rambling will be doing you a world of good. No wonder you were affronted when someone tried to help you across the road!
Whoa! This is awesome to see! Welcome aboard, friend!
Thank you. Pleased to be here and to make your acquaintance. Best wishes. Ivor
Well done sir! Very glad to see you here! Following you now! I'm just getting ready to start an amazon store myself. Steem on!
Thank you Richard. My goodness you've got some followers.Just added mine. Encouraging to hear that you are also starting an amazon store. I worry that I might be stretching myself too thin,and won't know which way to turn. Steemit Posts.Amazon.A round of coffee mornings.Family dropping in.Emailing. Horse racing.Life gets tedious don't it ! Cheers Ivor.
Hi there. I think: Start blogging, please.
Thank you. I like the little logo drawing.Do you do cartoons ?
Thank you for questioning @ijavee. That's my profession. I live from drawing. Visit my blog, if you like.
Hi and welcome to Steemit! :))
Thank you.
Welcome Ivor!!!! I giggled throughout your whole post. Today was a difficult day - so the giggles were very welcome medicine to my heart :) I'm glad to meet you! I'd love to hear more from you, so I'm upvoting and following. Also, I'm very sorry to hear about your wife.
Thank you for for the encouraging words. We were a very happy gang running the business and people tell me that they could sense a warm and welcoming atmosphere when they first walked into our restaurant. My wife Sylvia and I had started part time in the business prior to retiring.She did mornings and me afternoons.When I got home after locking up she said I've got your meal ready,I don't feel like any,I'll lie on the sofa in the lounge. When I went into the lounge she had collapsed on to the carpet.They do scans now for abdominal aortic aneurysms so a bulge would be picked up. Must go,racing is about to start on the telly. Best wishes. Ivor.
Nice to meet you.

Well, I've started to smile when I see your name in the comments. :)
I think i'm blushing.
Thank you. Finding my way.