RE: Get screwed by the Government
I wouldn't trust the government with my nail clippings, to be honest. Any government, that is, they're all the same.
We are also tracked through our devices. Google knows where you are basically at all times through your phone. Has it sent you any "your month in review" e-mails? It's lovely, it shows where you were, every minute of every day. Is that supposed to be cute? It's fucking frightening.
I think you did the right thing, although I don't know how long you will be allowed to opt-out. It's the same with pretty much anything promoted by the MSM. You're allowed to have a choice. For now. You're allowed to choose to maintain some semblence of privacy, but pretty soon those things will be mandatory. You won't be able to get medical help if you don't have your details online, I imagine.
But they should be fought every step of the way and I think you did the right thing.
Yeah I know...Frightening. I agree that it's probably inevitable that the Government (and corporations) will get every scrap of information about me. (I know they have a lot already.) But my defiant opt-out choice is something I can do now to indicate that I am not going to be lead across the pasture like the sheeple.
I've had people try and scare me by saying the doctors won't know how to treat me etc. It's all bullshit though. If I come in with a gunshot wound I reckon the doctor will know what to do without googling the interwebs for my health record. Same if I break a leg, get cancer or any other thing. And if they don't know what to do...Well, I'll die or whatever. The health record won't change that.
I hate the way we're tracked. Seriously. Drives me bonkers but it's the way of the world. I try only to stave it off as long as possible.